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COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />APRIL 23, 2012 <br />Committee Members Present: <br />Henry Davis, Jr., Gavin Ferlic, Karen White, Dr. Fred Ferlic <br />Other Council: <br />Tim Scott, Valerie Schey, Dr. David Varner, Oliver Davis, Derek Dieter <br />Citizen Member: <br />Patricia Crowley <br />Others Present: <br />Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, Gary Gilot, Kathy Hahn, Mark Neal, Shari Story- Miller, <br />Pam Meyer, Mike Mecham, Maury Murphy, Kyle Chamberlin, Don Inks, Rich <br />Deahl, Bob Strzelecki, Kevin Allen, Matt Edmonds, Dick Nussbaum, Rich <br />Carleton, Brian Baker, Murray Miller <br />Agenda: Bill No. 12 -31 — Real Property Tax Abatement - Lock Joint Tube <br />Bill No. 12 -32 — Personal Property Tax Abatement — Lock Joint <br />Tube <br />Bill No. 12 -33 — Real Property Tax Abatement — Tire Rack <br />Bill No. 12 -34 — Extending Housing Consortium <br />Bill No. 12 -35 — Ignition Park IT Tax Abatement <br />Bill No. 12 -27 — Amend South Bend Central Development Area <br />Proposed Use of Certified Tech Park Funds <br />With a full Committee and full Council in attendance Community & Economic <br />Development Chairperson Henry Davis began the meeting by combining the first <br />two items on the eight item agenda for purposes of public hearing. Both Bill No. <br />12 -31 and Bill No. 12 -32 are requests for abatement submitted by Lock Joint <br />Tube for real and personal property respectively. Both petitions are explained by <br />Don Inks along with representatives for Lock Join Tube, they being Rich Deahl <br />and Bob Strzelecki, would allow an investment of between 8 and 9 million dollars <br />by Lock Joint Tube in their plant at 1217 S. Walnut. According to the City's <br />Economic Development Department the project will result in nearly $700,000 in <br />taxes, while a bating just over $300,000. In addition 7 to 11 new jobs will be <br />created while 56 jobs are maintained. Both these bills were sent to Council with <br />a unanimous favorable recommendation after motions by Councilmember White <br />seconded by Councilmember Dr. Fred Ferlic. <br />The next agenda item Bill No. 12 -22 was a real property abatement petition filed <br />by Tire Rack for an expansion of their distribution facility on Vorden Dr. The <br />abatement would allow Tire Rack to go ahead with the construction of a 36,000 <br />