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Item (b.) Tax Abatement Ordinance would fall under the Review of Annual Report <br />as mentioned earlier in committee meeting. <br />Item (c.) Small Business — Citizen Member Zach Raymond advised that he tried <br />to borrow money from the Community & Economic Development Industrial <br />Revolving Fund a few years ago to start up his small business to no avail. He <br />stated that there needs to be a streamlined approach to helping small businesses <br />start up and get them the financial help they are seeking. <br />Citizen Member Pat Crowley advised that she would like to see more of the pop - <br />up shops stay after the Christmas holiday season is over. She stated that most <br />are afraid to task the risk. She would like to see more cooperation from the City <br />to help those businesses stay and expand. <br />Item (d) Economic Summit — Chairperson Henry Davis, Jr., stated that he would <br />like Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand send a letter to Mayor Pete <br />Buttigieg advising that he would like to hold an Economic Summit. He also <br />advised the Council Attorney to e-mail a copy of the Resolution on the <br />Comprehensive Approach to Spending to Citizen Member Patricia Crowley. <br />Item (e) WBE /MBE Diversity Utilization Board — Chairperson Davis advised that <br />the RFP for the Diversity Compliance Officer was sent out for bid. Bids should <br />be back by Tuesday, April 10, 2012. He noted that he would get the minutes <br />from the Diversity Utilization Board from their Secretary Kareemah Fowler. <br />Item (f) Chamber of Commerce — Chairperson Henry Davis, Jr., advised that he <br />has shared in conversations with the Chamber to see which direction the city is <br />taking. Chairperson Davis stated that he would like to meet with the Chamber on <br />a quarterly basis to keep in communication and continue general discussions on <br />those directions. <br />Item (g) City Plan — Chairperson Henry Davis Jr., noted that he would like to <br />review the City of South Bend's Comprehensive Plan. He asked if City Plan <br />include the East Bank Development Area. Don Inks from the Department of <br />Community & Economic Development advised that it does not. Councilmember <br />Tim Scott advised that as Chairperson of the Residential Neighborhoods <br />Committee he has called a meeting on April 16, 2012 at 5:00 p.m., and hopes to <br />discuss the East Bank Development Plan. He invited all to attend. <br />Items (h & i) — Downtown South Bend and Tax Incremental Finance (TIF) issues <br />- Chairperson Henry Davis, Jr., stated that items (h) & 0) fall under the <br />supervision of the South Bend Redevelopment Commission. He advised that he <br />and Councilmember Dr. David Varner are the Council's representative members <br />of the Redevelopment Commission. He stated that Dr. Varner has been on the <br />Redevelopment Commission for a few years now and with both of them on the <br />Commission they should be able to continue the communication that is so critical <br />