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COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />APRIL 5, 2012 <br />Committee Members Present: <br />Henry Davis, Jr., Gavin Ferlic, Karen White, Fred Ferlic <br />Other Council: <br />Tim Scott <br />Citizen Member: <br />Patricia Crowley. Zachary Raymond <br />Others Present: <br />Kathy Cekanski - Farrand, Debra Johnson, Don Inks, Beth Leonard -Inks <br />Agenda: Organization Meeting <br />Committee Chairperson Henry Davis, Jr., opened the meeting at 4:40 p.m. noting <br />that this was the Community & Economic Development's Organizational Meeting. <br />He introduced his committee members as well as his citizen member's Patricia <br />Crowley and Zachary Raymond. <br />Chairperson Davis read the committee focus stating that this Committee <br />oversees the various activities of the Department of Community & Economic <br />Development & the programs directed by the Division of Community <br />Development. He noted that this Committee reviews all real & Personal property <br />tax abatement requests. He then stated that he would go through his agenda (a <br />copy of which is on file in the Office of the City Clerk) Councilmember Davis <br />turned to Council Attorney Kathleen Cekanski - Farrand to reference the South <br />Bend Municipal Code regarding the review of Annual Reports. Ms. Cekanski- <br />Farrand advised that the South Bend Municipal Code requires that every other <br />year the Community & Economic Development Committee is in charge of the <br />review of Tax Abatement Procedures. Chairperson Henry Davis noted that he <br />would hold off -site committee meetings to accommodate citizens who cannot <br />make it to the County -City Building. <br />Councilmember Karen White asked Chairperson Henry Davis, Jr. to elaborate on <br />the next item on the agenda (a.) Committee Protocols. <br />Chairperson Henry Davis, Jr., advised that he would like to review what <br />procedures are in place and to call a meeting to discuss them. <br />