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Moving on to number 2 on the list for discussion, Tim asked Pam Meyer, Director of <br />Community Development to prepare a report listing how federal funds have been used in <br />the past. Perhaps new approaches would result in more bang for the buck. Pam said she <br />could report where we've been, where we are, and what we try to accomplish with the <br />money available to us. <br />The idea of formulating a new strategic approach let to the third item on Tim's list, the <br />role of the Council in vacant and abandoned housing problems. Both Tim and Catherine <br />Toppel spoke to the Mayor's Task Force currently studying the problem. Both serve on <br />the task force and are encouraged by its make -up, mission, and hard work. A report is <br />due this summer. Toppel went on to say her NCE budget has $500,000 for demolition <br />with $100,000 already expended this year. Demolitions currently cost approximately <br />$6,000 per property. Dr. Ferlic and Kyle Chamberlin both wondered how the costs could <br />be lowered. Toppel estimated demolition costs of $3,300 per unit could possibly be <br />achieved if we did the work "in house." She added that $4,000,000 was needed to <br />address all the properties on the demo list. Kyle Chamberlin said the city ought to <br />develop a strategy for rehabbing homes, noting over 1200 homes on the possible to rehab <br />list. Again, Jeri Tindell said banks have a responsibility to keep up properties they so <br />typically let deteriorate. Henry Davis suggested modeling a Boston model which has had <br />success refinancing foreclosures aimed at keeping people in homes. <br />Number four on the list was the future of the Marquette School building. Specifically the <br />Rev. Williams proposal for a Senior Center and the need to get a handle on a financial <br />plan if the proposal is to move forward. <br />This fifth item on the discussion topic list was a simple mention by Tim that he would <br />ask Diane Hess at NRC for an update on neighborhood issues from their perspective. <br />The last time on the list was the current perspective on a landlord registration bill that has <br />been under consideration for some years. Dr. Ferlic expressed some frustration with the <br />pace of progress saying unless there is a financial incentive tied to rehabbing homes; the <br />private sector will not participate so perhaps one could be created through a <br />public /private partnership. Getting back to a landlord registration bill. Catherine Toppel <br />said the goals to be accomplished need to be considered before a registration requirement <br />is considered. Kyle Chamberlin said costs of enforcement and administration needs to be <br />enumerated. <br />With a short wrap -up and promise to follow through Tim adjourned the meeting at 6:08 <br />p.m. <br />tfully Submitted, <br />Tim Scott, Chairperson <br />Residential Neighborhoods Committee <br />