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RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS COMMITTEE <br />APRIL 16, 2012 <br />Committee Members Present: <br />Tim Scott, Karen White, Dr. Ferlic <br />Citizen Members: Jen Tindell, Ken Bradford <br />Other Council Members Present: <br />Henry Davis, Jr., Gavin Ferlic <br />Others Present: <br />Pam Meyer, Kevin Allen, Gary Gilot, Cather Toppel, Kathy Cekanski- Farrand, Kyle <br />Chamberlin <br />Agenda:, Residential Neighborhoods "Kick -Off' <br />Tim Scott, Chairperson of the Residential Neighborhoods Committee, with a quorum <br />present opened the hearing he billed as a "kick off." He explained the purpose was to set <br />an agenda reflecting the challenges facing South Bend's neighborhoods. By reviewing <br />current approaches, evaluating new ideas, reviewing "best practices" from other cities, <br />and assigning priorities tangible progress hopefully would result. Basically Tim hopes to <br />identify concerns and set a map for addressing them. <br />Tim opened discussion by listing six points. Number one was the need to review the <br />nuisance ordinance. It is strong enough? Who enforces it? What are the costs of <br />enforcement? How cold costs be recovered? Everyone weighed in on this one. Dr. <br />Ferlic advocated a tougher coordinated enforcement approach with improved <br />communication among city departments and the Council. Basically a who's doing what, <br />when, where and how can "teeth" be put in the nuisance ordinance Citizen member Jen <br />Tindelll said slumlords need to be targeted. Henry Davis felt an increased police <br />presence in the neighborhoods would help. He suggested a good start would be a review <br />of the quality of life ordinance already on the books. Ken Bradford wondered if other <br />cities had success in attaching similar problems. Jen Tindell added her feelings that <br />banks who own many vacant houses need to be brought to bear in maintaining property <br />they own. Gary Gilot cautioned against a tough negative enforcement approach that <br />might increase abandonment of properties. He proposed using a carrot as well as a stick! <br />