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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> expensive. For us deal with the increase in demand, we are requesting a couple of changes in our <br /> personnel. <br /> He went on, The first(1st) one is transferring the Director of Assets and Information Systems that <br /> currently works out of Engineering in Public Works by changing the title. We are not increasing <br /> the salary but we are changing the title to Deputy Chief Technology Officer. This person has been <br /> very active in designing and architecting the systems that allow us to do a lot of this field work <br /> including investing in Cityworks which is our asset and inventory management system. That is the <br /> mobile device management system that allows us to track all the iPads. We figured it would be <br /> really beneficial to have this person be centrally located within our group and working with VPA, <br /> Public Works and all the different departments who all have very similar goal of doing a better job <br /> of tracking and figuring out how we are maintaining the assets the City has. The second (2°d) <br /> position is a new, and the only new, position we are requesting funding for. The other ones are <br /> transfers but his new position is a GIS Specialist. Again, we have been thinking about how vital it <br /> is for us to maintain high-quality data in our geospatial systems so that we can dispatch Police <br /> Officers and Fire Fighters to the right locations so that we can make sure we are tracking all of the <br /> investments and work that is happening to different assets throughout the City. As you can see,we <br /> are increasing the volume of data and the number of systems that are interacting with GIS and we <br /> really need this position. <br /> He continued, So, to get into the details for the $803,000 of new expenditures, $112,000 of those <br /> are non-recurrent expenses to enhance our digital inclusion initiative. So, in order to pay for the <br /> professional services for the design and installation of expansions to this network, $25,000 are <br /> non-recurrent to buy hardware for our digital inclusion sites. We've partnered with the library to <br /> manage those devices because they have a lot of expertise with devices that are used by residents <br /> and everyone. That is not our strong-suite. We have $40,000 of recurring investment in our SB <br /> Academy Program which we've been piloting throughout this year. We've trained over one <br /> hundred (100) people in data analysis, how to use Microsoft Excel, how to do performance <br /> improvements, and we see the range of skills going from very basic IT skills to very sophisticated <br /> skills. It is a successful program and has trained over ten percent(10%) of the City workforce and <br /> we hope to keep growing it and making it stronger. We have$150,000 that we've outlined to cover <br /> the recurring costs of the maintenance of the body and dash cameras including a $10,000 <br /> agreement for a dedicated interne connection. So we need to transfer a lot of data in terms of <br /> pictures and video from those cameras. So we've set a dedicated pipeline that connects us to the <br /> vendor. <br /> He went on,Another thing to highlight is the $286,000 investment in Cityworks. Last year we also <br /> appropriated$286,000 for Cityworks for an initial phase. The bulk of that money is going towards <br /> implementation. So, it is professional services and one (1)-time expenditures. There are about <br /> $42,000 that align with recurring expenses but, as we keep growing Cityworks as the central <br /> permitting and licensing as well as the inventory management system for the City, eventually we <br /> will reach a number of users that allows us to get an enterprise agreement which means we can <br /> keep adding users without increasing the cost of this solution. Again, sometime in the next couple <br /> of years we will reach that point and then we won't be increasing the amount we have to pay per <br /> license. Again, you can also see the position highlighted in red associated with the GIS Specialist <br /> position. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.92211f 574.235.9173 i I U574.235.5567 <br /> 9 <br />