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CITY OF SOUTH BEND OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> to the CAD system. So, we will do our part and we are willing to work actively to fix issues but <br /> we won't play as big of a role unless the County and the Council think we should. <br /> Councilmember Scott followed up,Are you going to do any type of auditing to make sure that data <br /> is secure when it goes over to their information? <br /> Mr. Garces replied, So Dan O'Connor has been the lead in an effort to clean up the data. So, we <br /> have partnered with a company called GeoCom and they are basically running and audit on the <br /> quality of the data to make sure it matches the standards for 911 dispatching. We are encouraging <br /> the County to make sure we are frequently doing those type of audits to make sure the quality of <br /> the data is up. And on our end, we will make sure that our data is up to the standards the County <br /> is using. Again, we have a very collaborative relationship and we've offered to post the data that <br /> gets transferred to the 911 system as well. So,we are very open to figure out what the best way is <br /> to work together but if they are not giving us the resources to be able to accomplish the task, we <br /> cannot do the task for free because we have a responsibility to the departments and to the residents. <br /> Councilmember Scott then asked, So how much time, personnel time, have we put into PSAP? <br /> Where will that line be drawn? To me it is a dollars and cents thing that we work with man hours <br /> towards something that is the County's responsibility. <br /> Dan O'Connor, Chief Technology Officer with offices on the 12th floor of the County-City <br /> Building,replied,To your question about what the County will do long-term,the GeoCom solution <br /> that the County has paid for is the one (1) we are using now to clean up the data. That is a <br /> subscription-based service and that lasts for one (1) year. So they can run additional scans on the <br /> PSAP data to confirm it continues to stay aligned with the current CAD system. Our commitment <br /> right now is to the GeoCom clean-up. We just sent some files to GeoCom today for our first (1St) <br /> clean-up view. We are targeting to be completed with that clean-up around the end of September <br /> 2018. At that time, we hope to have all of the issues identified in that scan resolved. And then at <br /> that point, the City of South Bend and our GIS resources will step back and let the County take it <br /> from there. <br /> Mr. Garces stated, I think there have been times when our team has stepped up significantly <br /> whereas some team members have pulled all-nighters and working more than full-time. Again, it <br /> varies but we will step up when we need to. Again, we are always willing to step up but we want <br /> to make sure it is clear that it is their responsibility. <br /> Councilmember Broden stated, To piggyback on those questions, PSAP is one (1) service. But <br /> what about emergency management? A lot of us had to patch things along with regards to the <br /> floods. How do we make sure we are getting the kind of data we need on that? <br /> Mr. Garces replied, Our department, when there is an emergency, we stepped up in the past to <br /> assist the response of the City and the community as a whole. Again, some of our departments <br /> operate at a County-level and we try to be good sports about it. During the floods,for instance, our <br /> 311 Customer Service Center was operating almost twenty-four seven (24/7). I think they closed <br /> for parts of the nights during the floods but we are passing along the information about street <br /> blockages to the public with our interactive emergency response map that shares information about <br /> the levels of the river, the flooded areas, and the parks and streets closed. We see our role as <br /> connectors in the response. We are also helping Engineering and some other people pulling <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson BvId l South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 f574.235.91731TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 11 <br />