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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committee Chair White thanked Ms. Hill for her presentation and explained that there will be an <br /> opportunity for public input right after the Redevelopment presentation. <br /> Redevelopment and TIF <br /> James Mueller, Executive Director for the Department of Community Investment with offices on <br /> the 14th floor of the County-City Building, stated, We're following up on last night's presentation <br /> on Civil City Funds and some of the plans we have to look forward to next year.There is substantial <br /> economic empowerment programing in the Redevelopment Funds,and we'll get to the reason why <br /> in a moment, which is a change we made this year. Also, we'll look at the macro 2019 goals and <br /> then each team will present their three (3) goals. He referred to the review of the different funds <br /> that encompass the overall Community Investment budget in the presentation (which is available <br /> in the City Clerk's Office). He stated, Tonight, we're looking at the Redevelopment and <br /> Development areas, as well as the Redevelopment Admin Fund #433. In revenues, we expect <br /> relatively flat property tax revenues going into the TIF areas. The one (1) exception you'll note is <br /> the$7 million this year. That included the$4 million payment from INDOT for the relinquishment <br /> of what is now Martin Luther King,Jr. Boulevard.That was a one(1)time payment from the State. <br /> If you took out that payment, you'd be looking at a little under $18 million, and looking at the <br /> River West TIF area, it's projected to be $17.6 million. <br /> He continued, In 2020, the property tax caps go into effect and that impacts the TIF areas by a <br /> larger percentage than the General and Parks property taxes. The other thing you'll notice is the <br /> one (1) area that is increasing from seven point one four(7.14)to seven point nine six (7.96), and <br /> that is the River East TIF. That includes two (2) parts, but most notable is the Eddy Street Phase <br /> II Development, and because we expect those revenues to come online, we're actually projecting <br /> a net increase there in 2020. There would be the property tax cap plus the additional assessed value <br /> from that development as planned. That will largely go to pay off the debt service.Across all those <br /> funds, we're expecting about$28.4 million, so that's new revenue coming in. There are of course <br /> projects that are ongoing or revenues that are ongoing, so the actual appropriation is likely to be <br /> higher than that, but it will be funds that are carrying over from previous years. There is about <br /> $13.3 million that we're covering in debt service that ranges from Police and Fire Stations to <br /> previous fire stations,parks and trails,the bond that we issued earlier this year, and a host of other <br /> legacy debt service payments. We also included$4.4 million across the TIF areas for public works <br /> projects including a lot of the water capital that was included in the water rate increase a year or <br /> two (2)ago. There's $1.5 million in Parks projects which is in addition to the debt service with the <br /> bond. This is new money,it was part of the original financing plan for the Parks and Trails project <br /> that was just scheduled for 2019. There is $2 million for the Western Streetscape between Falcon <br /> and Dundee,which is something we promised the LaSalle Park Alliance. It is really that last stretch <br /> from the two(2)previous phases from Western Avenue, so now the streetscape will go from Olive <br /> to Falcon. There is $800,000 for the local match for the Coal Line Trail project,which is expected <br /> to be completed in 2021,but this is starting the planning and property acquisition and the different <br /> components of that project. There is $450,000 budgeted for the Technology Resource Center <br /> Operations programming. We are hoping to open the Center at Ignition Park at the Catalyst Two <br /> (2) building first (1st) quarter or early second (2nd) quarter in 2019, and then the Redevelopment <br /> Commission has already committed funding for four(4)years of operations. It comes out to about <br /> $450,000 per year starting next year. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.92211f 574.235.9173I TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 6 <br />