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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committee Chair White asked, At one (1) time, I think this last year, there were routes that were <br /> eliminated and there were some discussions that Transpo would go back and review those routes. <br /> I don't know if you've had the opportunity to do that yet. <br /> Ms. Hill stated, Our last service adjustment was back in 2012, where some routes were eliminated <br /> and some adjustments were made.That was the result of a comprehensive operational analysis that <br /> was done in 2011. Best practice is to do that every five(5)years,and it is something we are looking <br /> at doing going forward. We want to be able to look at the system as a whole,and we've also talked <br /> about partnering with MACOG in order to do that to have the regional perspective of public <br /> transportation. We see that happening within the next year to eighteen(18)months.We are always <br /> evaluating existing routes as public comment comes up,and it can be very challenging.We operate <br /> an inter-line system, so we don't have just one (1) bus operating on one (1) route. It could be <br /> coming in to the South Street station as the Route 10 line from Western Avenue and going out as <br /> the Route 7 to University Park Mall, so even making a one (1) to two (2) minute adjustment on <br /> one(1)route has a ripple effect throughout the entire system,so it needs to be looked at as a whole. <br /> We do track all of the requests that we receive for service. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, Looking at the shortfall that you will have in 2020, are you <br /> proposing any rate increases this budget? <br /> Ms. Hill stated, We are not at this time. There were some preliminary discussions to look at that <br /> for the second (2nd) half of last year, but based on feedback that we received from Mr. Davis and <br /> other Board members, that is not something we included in the 2019 budget. Even if we were to <br /> have something in next year's budget, that would have gone through the public process. At this <br /> point we don't have any plans to do that for 2019. However, looking at this shortfall, that may be <br /> something we have to look at, but again, that would involve a lot of public comment and public <br /> engagement. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, What are your paratransit ridership levels? <br /> Ms. Hill stated, On an annual basis we do about 65,000 rides. Again, year to date, that is already <br /> up about ten percent(10%). <br /> Councilmember Broden stated, Your yellow line connector route, I know that is long and it has <br /> taken a lot of hard work, and a real exciting development for workforce. Wow on the K-12 <br /> ridership, I think that's great, getting people used to that at a young age. <br /> Ms. Hill stated,Thank you. And we're watching how that impacts our student ridership the rest of <br /> the year pretty closely. <br /> Councilmember Broden asked, What kind of numbers are you seeing? <br /> Ms. Hill answered,The free program ran through the end of August, so we don't have a lot of data <br /> yet to compare it to,but our August ridership alone was over 12,000 with kids going back to school. <br /> We've been working closely with the South Bend Community School Corporation on how we can <br /> assist with their K-12 students getting to and from school. We were overwhelmed by the success <br /> of that program. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION INCLUSION EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W Jefferson Bvld I South Bend.Indiana 46601 <br /> I 5 <br />