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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> She went on,Area three(3)is community.Priority one(1)was,again,establishing baseline metrics <br /> for that. Six (6) action items were proposed and five (5) action items have been implemented and <br /> they include increasing positive engagement opportunities for public safety personnel by <br /> neighborhood as well as efforts from Community Investment to collaborate with South Bend <br /> neighborhoods on revitalization. We just developed a survey so that we'll be able to track the <br /> diversity of the Boards and Commissions appointees. We are also working with our South Bend <br /> Community Schools and Successful Pathways, making sure we are connecting education <br /> opportunities and learning environments to people in the community. And then there is work out <br /> of the Community Investment office for transportation to provide connectivity between home, <br /> work and leisure. <br /> She continued, The next priority area is to advance and sustain a more inclusive community that <br /> is attractive to international,national and local residents. Four(4) action items were proposed and <br /> four(4) have been implemented and are ongoing. Just a highlight of those is our partnership with <br /> the South Bend Civic Theatre to make sure we have representative cultural live plays in town. If <br /> anyone attended In The Heights or Top Dog Under Dog this past season, those are two (2) plays <br /> we collaborated with them on. We hope to ensure that going forward, the plays that come here to <br /> the City of South Bend are representative of our community. <br /> She went on, Then finally, in the area of community, there is the priority to cultivate and sustain <br /> an inclusive City service and procurement environment. Ten(10) action items were proposed and <br /> six(6)have been implemented and are ongoing. This really is a collaboration with our Department <br /> of Purchasing. There has been a tremendous amount of support from Admin and Finance as well <br /> as Innovation. It has been a really big group effort in revamping our municipal purchasing policies <br /> and also the support of Council Members and the Diversity Utilization Board and I will go into a <br /> little more detail when I get into the accomplishments area. Then we are in the final one (1), four <br /> (4) action items were proposed and four (4) were implemented and ongoing in establishing and <br /> providing doing business with the City and starting South Bend workshops. So we are in the <br /> process of, again, collaborating with Community Investment to make sure that we are working <br /> with a local business incubator and the new business center that will open in the coming weeks <br /> across from the Charles Martin Center. They will offer classes and curriculum to not only new <br /> businesses but existing businesses to make sure they are sustainable and that they are adding to <br /> our local economy. <br /> Committee Chair White requested Ms. Brooks to summarize the remaining slide to ensure there to <br /> be enough time for members of the public wishing to speak on the presentations given at this <br /> meeting. <br /> Ms. Brooks stated, We are requesting one (1) additional FTE to the Office of Diversity and <br /> Inclusion to help handle all of the newly created,initiated and implemented programs to make sure <br /> we are staying on top of it. We want to make sure we have enough resources to be in full <br /> compliance with our diversity purchasing,the Disparity Study,and what those outcomes there may <br /> be. You'll see on the screen,the two (2)positions highlighted in green are what we are requesting. <br /> One (1) is the full-time position for Diversity and Inclusion and the other green is the part-time <br /> Administrative Assistant for Human Rights. <br /> Committee Chair White then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to speak. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.91731TTD 574.235.55671 <br /> 23 <br />