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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> comments that we have received have been in regards to the notion that it should be close to other <br /> services. That would probably involve reopening the original working group document because <br /> that was a number one (1) priority. That document represented what the best practices were <br /> nationally and so we have to see how important that is. It would be an even longer process if we <br /> open that back up. <br /> He continued, We are hoping to have a long engagement process to be sure we get the right <br /> decision, and also want to say that if we converge on a final site, there are a lot of steps we will <br /> have to take to make it happen. There will likely need to be some sort of zoning variance or special <br /> exception and that would go through these public processes. If the property is not owned by the <br /> City,we would have to close on a lease of purchase and that would go through the Board of Public <br /> Works or potentially the Redevelopment Commission. We need to go through the Board of Public <br /> Works to get approved contracts for architectural plans and design, also engineers and the <br /> movement of the housing units itself. We would need to get local and State building permits <br /> approved and then look at getting the necessary infrastructure and utility connections. <br /> He went on, So the next steps on the Intake Center reveal we are not as far along as we had hoped <br /> to be. Winter is coming soon and so we are working to find a weather amnesty for this winter. We <br /> have some potential sites but we hope to make progress quickly in the next few weeks before the <br /> weather turns. We will continue evaluating the feasibility of all the sites in the area and we look <br /> forward to finding the right engagement process to come together as a community to get this right <br /> for the homeless. <br /> Committee Chair Broden then opened the floor to questions and comments from Committee and <br /> Council Members. <br /> Committeemember Davis stated, Thank you for your presentation. First (1'� of all, regarding the <br /> document here, is there any way the community members out here today can have access to the <br /> same thing you are referencing? <br /> Mr. Mueller replied, The PowerPoint? Sure, that is available for anyone. We can put it up on the <br /> website. <br /> Committeemember Davis followed up, My last comments I would like to share at this time, I <br /> would like to have at least ten (10) minutes to hear from members of the public. I defer my <br /> comments. <br /> Committee Chair Broden then opened the floor to members of the public wishing to be heard. <br /> Patrick Shelton, 1624 S. Scott Street, stated, I'm the president of the Rum Village Neighborhood <br /> Association and I currently live in the house I grew up in on Scott Street by choice. I decided to <br /> stay in the neighborhood. I've seen it change considerably over the years. We live in a <br /> neighborhood that has changed as there are a lot of rentals,there have been some demolitions and <br /> not a lot of new construction, but we want to make sure we don't become an area where all the <br /> resources for the homeless come. Homelessness is a community issue and we just want to make <br /> sure all other areas are considered. The Oliver Apartments are nice but what has happened is this. <br /> We didn't have any prostitutes walking down Indiana Avenue until the apartments were put up. <br /> We didn't have people standing on corners with signs until the apartments came. So what I'm <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building j 227W Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1 TTD574.235.5567 <br /> 5 <br />