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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> opportunity to come to the Morris. We are looking at the mix and genre of our line up to be sure <br /> we are speaking to different audiences and different groups. <br /> Councilmember Jo M. Broden asked, Are there any changes in the Hotel-Motel tax either in <br /> allocations or formula? <br /> Mr. Jarnecke replied, I think that is on the table for discussion. Currently it is at six percent (6%) <br /> which is quite low across the country and certainly even regionally. Regarding our allocations, <br /> we've been at that$1.275 million as our base number.The Hotel-Motel Tax Board is quite engaged <br /> in the sense of wanting to see the Century Center deliver more. There is data out there that we <br /> e at a higher contribution and we see an uptick in that as well.There are a number of levers <br /> should b g p <br /> and triggers to evaluate as we consider the feasibility study. There are no immediate plans to <br /> address that but I know that has been on the radar of the Board over that last few meetings. <br /> Committeemember John Voorde asked, How do you measure the satisfaction of people who have <br /> had events at either the Morris or the Century Center? <br /> Mr. Jarnecke replied, On the Century Center side, we send a post-event survey to that event's <br /> organizer. We are pleased to share that we have a fifty percent(50%)response rate to those surveys <br /> and that is unheard of. Industry says it should be closer to seven or eight percent (7% - 8%) and <br /> we are at fifty (50%) percent. That survey results in creating a net promoter score. The folks at <br /> SMG have a goal that is associated with their performance and they are hovering close to eighty <br /> (80) for that number. That is also incredible as it means people are having a positive experience <br /> here. We are quick to respond to anyone who has had an issue along the way. Certainly there have <br /> been challenges time to time but overall the feedback from an event standpoint is tremendous. On <br /> the Morris side, as well, through the various social channels we have available, though it is not <br /> formalized, it certainly is real-world and real-time. We now have a time that is dedicated on show <br /> nights to respond, in real-time, to any concerns we have through our listening tools. <br /> Committeemember Voorde followed up, The Indiana City Clerks were here for the first(1St)time <br /> in, I think, a dozen years and it was because of the additional rooms. I attended most of the events <br /> and the feedback, anecdotally, was real positive from these folks. <br /> Councilmember Sharon L. McBride stated, I just want to compliment you all. I actually attended <br /> a wedding this weekend at the Morris and Palais. The staff was amazing, the food was great and <br /> the atmosphere was too. That was my first time going to a wedding there and it was good. <br /> Mr. Jarnecke replied, Thank you two (2)very much. <br /> Susan Visser, Executive Director for the South Bend Museum of Art with offices located at 120 <br /> South Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, stated, Thank you very much for inviting us to talk a <br /> little bit about the South Bend Museum of Art. She then proceeded to provide handouts to the <br /> Council Members which are available in the City Clerk's Office. She continued, We have done <br /> this presentation many times and it is always a little bit different. <br /> He went on, So I will talk a little bit about our programming and then at the end we will talk about <br /> our budget break down and the City's allocation. So our American Series is a program we started <br /> in 2007 and it has been incredibly successful. It brings in some of the key artists in artistic <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1227W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173(TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 6 <br />