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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OFTHE CLERK <br /> as well as it attracted more business. We will continue to see those revenue numbers increase on <br /> our part going forward. <br /> He went on, The feasibility study is a chance for us to imagine a building that is forty-one (41) <br /> years old and imagine what the next forty-one (41) years should be. That study will help us take a <br /> look at whether we are optimizing our space. It will also capture the potential and see what the <br /> market can bear if we expanded. We are still working through that process with the respective <br /> boards. There will be more to come on that in the coming months. Lastly, we want to give a brief <br /> overview on the parking side. There are roughly 1,400 parking spaces we have within the <br /> downtown environment. The difference in net revenue in 2019 and beyond is that, while we are <br /> operating within two (2) of the garages at more than one hundred percent (100%) capacity, we <br /> need to invest back in the garages. We need to finish getting elevators up to par, some aesthetic <br /> and cosmetic things, and we think if we push through this coming year, and that is why you will <br /> see a net operating loss this year paid for out of cash reserves, we will be able to have a longer- <br /> term strategy with potential for a rate increase. While we are certainly still competitive and less <br /> expensive than some of the other private solutions out there for parking options, I think there is an <br /> opportunity to provide dynamic pricing in the future. <br /> Committee Chair White opened the floor to questions from Committee and Council Members. <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott asked, Are we seeing more movement with the new hotels coming <br /> online? <br /> Mr. Jarnecke replied, Without question. Certainly on the Century Center side. That has taken us to <br /> six hundred eighteen (618) hotel rooms in the downtown environment. It takes us a bit of time to <br /> catch up as we are already talking about conventions in 2021 and beyond, it has really changed <br /> our position in the marketplace. We have, in the short-term,realized incremental gains from three <br /> (3) or four(4) events we wouldn't have otherwise had without the extra hotel space. <br /> Councilmember Scott followed up, Is there any type of detriment to the Century Center parking <br /> lot? There are bottlenecks getting in and out of that. <br /> Mr. Jarnecke replied, We are far from optimized from a convenience standpoint. Not only do we <br /> feel that on the parking side but also when folks come into the Center for a show. So for the <br /> consumer shows in Janu , February and March you will actually see the side doors closed and <br /> force the pedestrians and traffic to go through the front doors off of MLK for ticketing and then <br /> exit through those doors. So it is not great. It is also a challenge for pedestrians and traffic to <br /> comingle. We are looking at that and the feasibility study will help us with that. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, The South Bend Cubs is a major compliment to the City but the <br /> Morris is second(2"d).There are so many people from outside South Bend that bring up the Morris <br /> and they love seeing shows there. You are getting that draw from outside the City and it is really <br /> a gem. <br /> Mr. Jarnecke replied, We appreciate you saying that. That was also recognized by Polstar, one (1) <br /> of the industry's entertainment divisions,we are number sixty-seven(67)out of two hundred(200) <br /> in terms of gross ticket sales. That outpaces our regional competition. We have an attendance goal <br /> this coming year of 125,000 to 130,000. We want to ensure that every child and resident has an <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building,227W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 46601 p 574.235.9221 l f574.235.9173ITTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 5 <br />