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But I also think the Common Council should be inclusive in discussions on the details concerning <br />economic development and financing of governmental services as it relates specifically to South <br />Bend and generally to Saint Joseph County. Currently the Chamber's mission is "Be a catalyst for <br />growth and prosperity for our members and community." Should not Common Council's mission, <br />vision and goals and priority regarding economic development be compared to the Chamber's <br />proposal to act on behalf of the city? I believe that 11 -06 could have been of great value to the <br />elected officials of Saint Joseph County had it not have stalled. <br />The Benchmarking South Bend documents published in June of 2010 as well as other more dated <br />reports have indicated the need for change. Change is most effective when it is based on study and <br />analysis followed by strategic planning as was case in National League of Cities award to South Bend <br />on the development in census tract 10 aka "Eddy Street Commons." In many minority communities <br />this type of initiative is championed by the local Urban League. Because the Urban League of Saint <br />Joseph is not currently active, I proposed the Common Council sponsor a resolution to start an <br />initiative to study how to augment economic development in the minority community. <br />Resolution 76 -11 proposes a study charged with defining the need for a unified, coordinated <br />economic development plan for the minority community of South Bend. The study will provide a <br />preliminary roadmap; it will be designed to create dialogue. Solving the economic problems defined in <br />the study and strengthening the communities in need will bring a litany of tangible benefits to the <br />entire region. <br />The cover letter of Resolution 76 -11 refers to "Facing tomorrow: population, economic and social <br />trends affecting Saint Joseph County" There are two (2) other documents both attached I believe are <br />relevant to the essence of this report. They are the 2006 report by Dr. Martin Wolfson entitled <br />"Competing Visions: Economic Development in South Bend" and a 2006 report entitled "Paying For <br />Public Services in Saint Joseph County: Benefit vs. Burden" by Dr. William Hojnacki. <br />Finally, the CED Committee has been engaged in discussions in an attempt to help resolve the <br />foreclosure of Chase Bank building situation in downtown South Bend. Several Meetings and <br />proactive measures have taken place. A special meeting is set for December 19, 2011 at 5:00pm. <br />The presence of council representatives during such negotiations is a first. Given the fact the council <br />is often requested to approve related appropriations having such representation gives better <br />opportunity for due diligence and I strongly recommend this become the policy and procedure the <br />Common Council employs in the future. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />y- •. <br />Timothy A use, Chairman <br />Common ouncil At -Large <br />k <br />