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CED COMMITTEE 2011 ANNUAL REPORT <br />Committee members are Ann Puzzello, Karen White, Murray Miller resident member, Henry Davis Jr., <br />Vice Chairman and Timothy Rouse, Chairman. As chairman I want to thank President Dieter for the <br />privilege of serving as chair of the CED Committee. I am especially pleased to file this report at our <br />last 2011 regular committee meeting and my last meeting as a member of this august body, <br />CED Committee started 2011 with a litany of major legislative as well as fiduciary functions on the <br />agenda. Bills 25 -10 and 61 -10 were two proposed tax phase -in revisions scheduled for consideration <br />as revisions to the existing ordinance. Bill 86 -10 was filed in December of 2010, as the result of a <br />"privilege of floor" compliant and assigned by the Council President for Chairman Rouse to look into <br />the matter. Resolution 11 -06 was designed to discuss and explore financing of governmental services <br />with elected officials of St. Joseph County and the Cities of Mishawaka and South Bend, aka "2011 <br />Financial Summit." <br />As indicated above 2011 was a very busy year for the CED Committee we met 23 times addressing <br />12 tax abatements totaling approximately $2,290,064 in new tax revenues for the city. Approximately <br />$1,889,815 tax phase -in revenues were approved by the council as recommended by the CED <br />Committee. We attempted to revise the tax phase -in ordinance, per the proposals in bills 25 -10 and <br />61 -10. Much dialogue and due diligence took place and at the request of the administration - revision <br />of the current tax phase -in ordinance was tabled until 2012 when the new council and the new <br />administration will be in place. <br />86 -10 revising the existing procurement ordinance 7811 -87 was successful, codified as 10081 -11. <br />This revision created a voluntary nine (9) member board known as the Diversity Utilization Board <br />(DUB). At the filing of this report the members have been appointed and sworn in. They have elected <br />officers and are preparing to make recommendations on a Diversity Compliance Officer position as <br />provided by the ordinance. <br />11 -06 stalled, and no action was taken. Although sweeping change is occurring in Saint Joseph <br />County and the surrounding areas, elected officials have not met and discussed the impact of <br />regional and global change on local governmental services. Research by Karl King and John Roos as <br />well the 2010 Census Data indicate change is needed. Project Future is responding with a major <br />restructuring initiative. The Chamber of Commerce is preparing to fill the gap created by the Project <br />Future's move. Below is a portion of a memo from Patrick McMahon, Director of Project Future <br />regarding a meeting scheduled to meet at 4:00pm December 12, 2011. <br />Our agenda will address the following: <br />* Economic Development - The Need to Evolve i <br />* Maintaining Continuity - Transitional Plans <br />* Regional / Local Needs <br />* March Celebration <br />It is my understanding that on January 1, 2012 Project Future will in effect go out of business as a <br />practitioner of community economic development. Staffers will partner with Innovation Park personnel <br />and work with special focus on development of nano technology. I am sure there will be economic <br />benefits to the aggregate Michiana region but the focus of the past will not the same for Project <br />Future. I am delighted that the Chamber of Commerce is willing to step up to fill the gap left by Project <br />Future's restructuring. <br />