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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Committee Chair White asked, You mentioned the South Bend Home Corps. program would hit <br /> two hundred(200)homes, is there a particular area of the community and who will identify where <br /> those homes will be? <br /> Mr. Horvath replied, We are working on that right now. We are working with a couple agencies <br /> and trying to get their help in identifying those. There are agencies already out there that are <br /> looking at making sure there is some way of verifying income and stuff. That can be a big process. <br /> I don't think we have that identified yet. <br /> Ms. Dorau stated, Our goal is to fill gaps that are missed by other programs. So a lot of the <br /> programs that use Federal or State funds have serious restrictions on who they can include in their <br /> programs. We want to be a little more generous and accommodating and help those folks that don't <br /> usually get accepted into those plans. <br /> Kara Boyles,City Engineer for the City of South Bend with offices on the 13th floor of the County- <br /> City Building, stated, Engineering manages the design and expansion of the seasoned structure. <br /> We see projects all the way through planning, design and construction. We are setting standards <br /> while also inspecting and permitting projects throughout the City. Our team (referencing a slide in <br /> the presentation) has around fifteen(15) full-time employees. That is anywhere from an Assistant <br /> City Engineer to a Project Engineer and a Project Inspector. We have three (3) inspectors that do <br /> construction inspection for the City. There is a manager for that team and then one (1) of those <br /> inspectors is dedicated solely to permitting while the other two (2) are project inspectors. That is <br /> any and all projects and there could be thirty(30)to sixty(60)projects split between those two (2) <br /> inspectors. You will hear and see in the presentation by the Parks Department that we are about to <br /> spend $30 million on six (6) projects alone. So with those projects coming, we feel there is a <br /> tremendous need for another project inspector. By bringing on another FTE, it would be one <br /> hundred percent(100%)allocated to the Parks Department but that inspector could help defer some <br /> of the costs we see that would typically be project costs but we could actually reduce the amount <br /> for inspection by bringing someone in house which would allow the dollars to be spent more <br /> toward the actual project. <br /> She continued, I will now highlight some of the accomplishments we have seen in 2018. We tried <br /> to emphasize the roadway improvements you are seeing all throughout the City. We are working <br /> on the cross streets, the Community Crossings Grant Project, taking advantage of the partnership <br /> we have with State of Indiana. That is a fifty-fifty(50/50) matching grant with the State. We have <br /> done some additional paving and have tried to incorporate other paving projects. For instance,we <br /> are doing a project at AmeriTech at the by-pass. Focusing on curbs and sidewalks this year we <br /> have Monroe and Studebaker Safe Routes to School happening. We are also getting ready to bid <br /> out LaSalle and Marquette.That is a fall 2018 project.We have added about a mile long trail along <br /> Boland Drive, so, adding connectivity in terms of connecting Portage and Riverside Drive. We <br /> have also bid out the annual curb and sidewalk which includes Council allocations this year and <br /> that just happened in June 2018. We've done some asset management work, some drainage <br /> projects and used some road funding in order to do $500,000 of small drainage projects. We did <br /> some traffic calming pilot projects this year for the first (1St) time. We were partners in the Safe <br /> Street Academy so we did those projects over in the Northwest Neighborhood area. <br /> She went on, I also like to point out that, while we are managing these projects, we are like <br /> consultants as well,throughout the City,to Venues,Parks&Arts, Fire,DCI, and anyone doing an <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 46601 j p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1 TTD 574.235.5567! <br /> 6 <br />