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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> He went on, Big picture, there is one (1) additional FTE for inspection for engineering, four (4) <br /> for Streets for curbs and sidewalk,and then one(1)FTE is moving from Engineering to Innovation <br /> and Technology. We've tried as best as we could to listen to the needs we are hearing in the <br /> community and from the Council and move the needle a little bit in some of those areas. We know <br /> we aren't moving it as much as we've needed to but we are at least making significant strides in <br /> trying to get more sustainable assets. <br /> Committee Chair White stated, We thank you so much for your presentation. We thank all of your <br /> staff in terms of what you do to ensure the services we have for our citizens are in the best shape <br /> possible. We know we will probably need more time to ask some more questions. She then opened <br /> the floor to members of the public wishing to speak. <br /> Sue Kesim, 4022 Kennedy Drive, stated, Eric, I don't know how you do it. You had mentioned <br /> there being lateral lines that are over one hundred (100) years old. I'm wondering how big a <br /> problem that is. Is it just in a small area? Does there need to be additional funding? Smart sewers <br /> are great but my understanding is that there isn't always a drainage field to go to. Am I correct in <br /> my understanding? I'm wondering where you are with drainage fields. And I have a lot of <br /> questions that a lot of people bring up. One (1)of them is what is the cost per foot for a curb?And <br /> what is the cost per foot for a sidewalk? If they are going to pay for half of it they want to know <br /> what a reasonable cost would be. <br /> Mr. Horvath replied, In terms of the laterals, we have sewer mains and water mains which are <br /> public infrastructure.Now we've got these private lines that come off to homes. Laterals are what <br /> we call the sewer connections to the home. It is common that if we have a water main that is from <br /> 1875, that service line is probably similar in age. It may be a little newer depending on what has <br /> happened but the issue is we are trying to do a better job in figuring out what those assets are,what <br /> their risks are, what their vulnerabilities are so we can replace them. Age is not even a good <br /> indicator. I say that because we actually find that some of the older ones are actually less likely to <br /> break than some of the 1940s ones. <br /> Ms. Kesim interjected, Can you put, like, liners in them, or no? <br /> Mr. Horvath replied, You can on the sewer side and we are doing that. We have a sewer lining <br /> program we do every year. We also have a manhole lining program where we line brick manholes <br /> so the bricks don't fall in. We also have a sewer and water insurance program for this specific <br /> reason. It is really expensive to have a fix. If you have a fix on the sewer line that is in the road, it <br /> could be $15,000. So the City would pick that up through the insurance program. On the smart <br /> sewers, I will say we have had some really good meetings with the EPA and IDEM on our new <br /> LTCP. They are really excited about what we've done with the smart sewers. In fact the Region <br /> Five (5)Director of the EPA said she is inspired and impressed and would like us to be doing this <br /> across the nation. We have three (3) tanks in the program and our new program is a$200 million <br /> program. It is not inexpensive, but, it was a $713 million program. So this is significantly more <br /> affordable than the previous program but will still be quite a bit of investment we will need to put <br /> in. What we are trying to do with that program is really get big environmental benefit early through <br /> some things and get the low hanging fruit and the low cost stuff out first (I"). We are trying to <br /> optimize the existing system and do that with smart sewer technology. The most expensive <br /> infrastructure will need to follow later. <br /> EXCELLENCE ( ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION ( INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 <br /> 19 <br />