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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> have a number of compliance obligations from State Statute on municipal utilities that we have to <br /> follow and we have a full-time person to run that program. We are not suggesting it be included in <br /> that and we focus more on the capital needs that are not being met. We will continue to keep the <br /> operations and maintenance piece where it is in the wastewater utility. <br /> He continued,The other thing we have not included is anything related to the February 2018 flood. <br /> Part of the reason was that we didn't have the study so we weren't able to identify specific costs. <br /> In addition to that, where we have identified some specific costs on some of the public <br /> infrastructure, we don't know yet how much FEMA or insurance is going to cover. So we have <br /> been going through that process with them and that is continuing. We are probably pretty close to <br /> figuring that stuff out. Once we figure out what they are going to cover,we will know the funding <br /> gap there is on some of those issues. We will then be able to determine what those needs are as <br /> well. I just wanted to point that out that the$2.9 million identified does not include anything from <br /> the flood. In this though, we do have $500,000 budgeted for flood mitigation and that would be <br /> partly covering some of those issues we have from the flood but we don't know the total impact <br /> yet. <br /> He went on, So we put together a budget for the purpose of having something in 2019 of about <br /> $1.2 million where we focus on capital improvement projects. Professional services would be in <br /> support of those capital projects. These (referencing a slide in the presentation) are the ones we've <br /> outlined. Obviously this can and will change. This is our top ten(10)list right now but that is fluid <br /> until we are able to sit down and prioritize everything after we get some of these reports back from <br /> LFA and FEMA. So we've got$1.2 million budgeted and here is our list right now.We are looking <br /> at generating about$1.2 million a year,through the fee,to help cover some of those issues. <br /> He continued,There are eighty-six(86) stormwater communities in the State of Indiana right now <br /> that charge a stormwater rate. That is as of 2016. 1 didn't have more recent numbers on that. Of <br /> those eighty-six (86), the cities with a population greater than 25,000, there are twenty-nine (29) <br /> of them. You can see the fees here (referencing a slide in the presentation), the Statewide average <br /> for the eighty-six (86) communities is five dollars and thirty-six cents ($5.36) per month. That is <br /> the residential unit equivalent,so this is compared to our proposed two dollars($2).The cities with <br /> a population greater than 25,000, the twenty-nine (29) cities, the average is four dollars and <br /> seventy-three cents ($4.73)per month. So you can see, it is really close to that national average of <br /> about five dollars ($5) a month. It is pretty typical but it does vary significantly. Some cities are <br /> close to the two dollar($2)range then you've got some up to the ten dollar($10) or twenty dollar <br /> ($20)range for residential units. <br /> He went on, You can see here (referencing a slide it the presentation) what that would generate. <br /> So,we took the bottom third in terms of size,the non-residential properties,and that was anywhere <br /> from zero (0) to 5,000 square feet of impervious surface. The sampling we did used that average <br /> across all of our properties to get an estimate of the number of properties and multiplied it by the <br /> proposed rate. You can see the proposed rate of four dollars($4)per month for those small entities <br /> would generate around $61,000. The medium properties were 5,000 to 15,000 square feet of <br /> impervious area and charging eight dollars ($8) per month, that generates about $98,000 a year. <br /> Then the large properties that are greater than 15,000 square feet of impervious area, at twenty <br /> dollars ($20) per month generates about $263,000 per year. The residential piece, which is <br /> significant,is about 34,600 properties,at two dollars($2)per month,would generate$1.25 million. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1 TTD 574.235.5567, <br /> 13 <br />