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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> He went on, Some of the goals and challenges include, of course, the completion of constructing <br /> Fire Station Nine (9). We want to continue the positive trends of our recruitment committee. I put <br /> Fire Fighter Cancer Prevention down because our department has had to put a really significant <br /> focus on this particular issue. We have several members of our department that have cancer. Some <br /> are in remission and some have active diseases that are really taking a toll. It is tragic. At our <br /> department we have hired a company to do an assessment of all of our stations and come up with <br /> ways in which we might be able to prevent or reduce risk of cancer causing agents within the fire <br /> stations. We have a turnout gear cleaning policy, we've made other policy changes that include <br /> wearing a full SCVA while we are doing overhaul in a building. Intuitively, that has not always <br /> happened within the fire service and that is a nation-wide problem. We have gone out of our way <br /> to make sure that decontamination equipment is on scene for our Fire Fighters to do gross <br /> decontamination on the scene and then a more full decontamination once they get back to the <br /> station. Also exercising and living a healthier lifestyle. We had noticed several Fire Fighters <br /> getting skin cancer or lesions. So at our training center,there is sun screen outside the building so <br /> that way they can use it. We have training programs for the individuals on our department. We are <br /> actively training our personnel to be sure they are taking active strides in reducing those risks. <br /> He continued,We have also created a Fire Fighter peer support group. That helps us combat PTSD <br /> within the Fire Service. We have had a couple of individuals over the last few years go off on <br /> disability, unfortunately, for PTSD-related issues due to different types of calls and experiences <br /> they have had. We've been doing this in conjunction with some outside partnerships as well as <br /> with the Police Department. We look forward to getting that up and running and having some <br /> success with that program over the course of the next twelve (12) to eighteen (18) months. <br /> Obviously we have budget challenges we look forward to in 2020. We are commencing <br /> community risk reduction activities to reduce injury and death. That never goes away and that is <br /> something we work on every single day. Every person in our department has the responsibility to <br /> make sure they are working on prevention. That includes our smoke alarm program, trauma <br /> prevention programs,the community paramedicine opportunities I previously mentioned,we have <br /> some other things we are also doing. We have a partnership with Memorial Hospital to install car <br /> seats at multiple stations. Several of our Fire Fighters are actually car seat technicians and we <br /> work,through a grant program with Memorial Hospital to safely install car seats for children. <br /> He went on, I mentioned our long-term capital funding issue and that is tied to the expected <br /> decrease in Medicaid reimbursements that may or may not come in the future. One (1) last thing <br /> to mention about challenges, it is a real challenge replacing Fire Fighters who retire who haven't <br /> enrolled in the DROP Program with new Fire Fighters. And with all of the great news about job <br /> creation and fewer unemployed people in the County, that means that we are struggling to find <br /> those employees. We are fighting with other employers for those quality applicants.As more good <br /> jobs are created, it becomes more difficult to track those folks in our department. We do have a <br /> recruitment committee and, as I mentioned before, they actively participate in recruiting quality <br /> applicants to our department. I couldn't help but notice former Council Member Davis Jr. is in the <br /> room. He would remember when we were initially talking about putting this committee together, <br /> the department was not hiring individuals below the age of twenty-one(21). We actually changed <br /> that policy and we take applications from individuals all the way down to eighteen (18). We have <br /> actually had a multitude of individuals that otherwise would have gone to the trades, the military, <br /> to college, but they saw this as an opportunity to start a career right out of high school. That has <br /> been a benefit. I mentioned we just hired our first(1St) minority female onto our department, and <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1 TTD 574.235.5567 I <br /> 15 <br />