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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> to, will include eight (8) Fire Fighter recruits from Michigan City and we have seven (7) of our <br /> own graduating as well. Our department is working on trying to further diversify our department. <br /> This ,year, alone, our department will have sworn on seventeen (17) new recruits. Of those <br /> seventeen (17), five (5) are minority, four (4) are female and four (4) are veterans. Those are the <br /> demographic groups we have been targeting to bring into our department. Only one percent (1%) <br /> of the general population of the United States are veterans. Seventeen percent (17%) of our entire <br /> department are veterans. We have forty-three (43) veterans out of two hundred fifty-six (256) <br /> individuals. A couple of these recruits checked a couple boxes and were maybe a minority and a <br /> veteran, were a female and a minority or a female and a veteran. In fact this year we swore on our <br /> first (lst) female minority member of our department as well. We continue working on that with <br /> our recruitment process. We are in the process of creating an applicant list for the next two (2) <br /> years and for that group,twenty-six percent(26%) of those individuals are minority or female and <br /> ten percent (10%) of them, on that list, are veterans as well. We are making some strides. <br /> He continued, We are completing the Fire Grounds Survival program for the entire department. It <br /> is a program through the IAFF to make sure that Fire Fighters can self-rescue if they are caught in <br /> a building or in an obstruction in a building on fire. Our Smoke Alarm Installation Program has <br /> led to over 1,500 smoke alarm installs since April in targeted neighborhoods. We have worked on <br /> our SB Stat Program with the Mayor's Office to target very specific neighborhoods that were in <br /> need. The other thing we have done is, since the fire fatality that happened about a month ago, we <br /> targeted the area specifically surrounding that tragic situation. We knocked on doors and <br /> advertised ahead of time. We installed two hundred and seventy-eight (278) smoke alarms in that <br /> first (1S) canvas around that particular area. There were only thirty-six (36) houses out of two <br /> hundred and nine (209) houses that actually had a working smoke alarm in their home. So if you <br /> can imagine, the amount of impact that will have later on down the road, those neighbors had the <br /> awareness of a tragic circumstance happening around their home. We had some family members <br /> that waited for us to get there because they were so worried about it. It was a big deal and the Red <br /> Cross has been a great partner with us in programing and by providing alarms and volunteers. <br /> He went on, We also have created the South Bend Fire Department Community Paramedicine <br /> Program. As I mentioned before we started seeing patients in July. We purchased a new aerial <br /> ladder truck which is set for delivery later this ye . We have continued the dual credit high school <br /> program that we have in conjunction with Ivy Tech and the South Bend School Corporation. We <br /> have fifteen(15)new students enrolled for the new fall class. When we started this program many <br /> years ago, I mentioned to the Council at that time that this is a long-term recruitment tool for us. <br /> We want to bring more local kids into the Fire Service, especially our department, and give them <br /> good quality jobs with pensions and benefits and everything else. On top of that, knowing the <br /> South Bend School Corporation has a significant amount of minority students, we really targeted <br /> that area. I'm happy to share with the Council that in our new applicant group, we actually have a <br /> couple kids that have graduated our program and are now in the application process. That is <br /> refreshing for us to know we are having some sort of an impact. <br /> He continued, On top of that, we have also received funding from the Assistance of Fire Fighters <br /> Grant Program, which is a Federal Grant Program, and it has allowed us to pay eighty percent <br /> (80%) of wages and benefits for three (3) Fire Fighters for a three (3) year period. Additionally, <br /> we were just given an AMG Grant and it was just announced three (3) weeks ago, in which we <br /> received some funding to be able to install exhaust removal systems from our garages in a few of <br /> our stations. <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building'227 W.Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1 <br /> 14 <br />