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f . y . � � � �� . . . - . � . <br /> He also stated that the IU Cultural Center:`was going welL IUSB starts classes on <br /> August 29, 2011 and will have 2 new parking lots this year. In addition, they will have a <br /> Varsity Volleyball team and theirfirsf match is August 25tn <br /> HOLY CROSS <br /> Dan Cochran that they are busy making preparations for the students to return, and <br /> they are looking'forward to a new school year. They also had an inauguration of a new <br /> President. <br /> TAXI ISSUES <br /> Ann Carol Nash stated that the City is diligently implementing a new taxi reform <br /> � ordinance. Ordinance No. 48-11 is on file and has had its first reading. There will be <br /> committee hearing in the afternoon of August 22, 2011 and second reading at the <br /> Common Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m. A draft of the ordinance is the City CounciPs <br /> website. Ms. Nash gave credit to Notre Dame, the taxi drivers and passengers for their <br /> input into the drafting of this ordinance. TheJast time the ordinance was revised was in <br /> 1999. <br /> Changes to the ordinance include uniformity of vehicles, added insurance, properly <br /> maintained vehicles, and rates posted on the inside and outside of the vehicle. In <br /> addition, a placard will be required in the taxi with the name of the driver, company and <br /> contact information. The taxi companies will be co-responsible with the independent <br /> drivers to make sure they conform to the ordinance. In 2013, taxis will be required to <br /> have a recording device as well. Drivers may be required to show English proficiency, <br /> Driving and criminal background checks are conducted on them. There is still some <br /> discussion on the creation of taxi stands within the City for taxis to park and passengers <br /> to stand while waiting. <br /> Mark Kramer inquired as to how many taxis were within the City of South Bend. Ann <br /> Carol stated that she was unsure of the number, however there were 10 - 12 companies <br /> with anywhere from 4 - 25 taxi cabs per company. <br /> SAFETY ISSUES <br /> Sheriff Mike Grzegorek stated that St. Joseph County Police will be meeting with the <br /> Notre Dame Student government and the football team to discuss safety issues. <br /> Tim Sexton stated that ISP will hold a safety summit at Notre Dame in 2 weeks at <br /> DeBartolo Hall. They will pass out the "Good Neighbor Guide" at that event. Also, there <br /> will be a safety presentation at the Welcome Back Picnic and it will provide good <br /> information for students and neighbors. <br /> 3 <br />