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. <br /> NOTRE DAME <br /> Brett Rocheleau stated that plans are being made to hold a Community Summit next <br /> year, and the last one there were hundreds in attendance. Student Body President Pat <br /> McCormick said service to the local community is a way to reach out to South Bend. <br /> One such example is that students are doing a West Side Food Security Council to <br /> address the scarcity of food in the area. <br /> Discussion continued relating to off campus students holding parties which disturb <br /> residents and litter strewn on lawns. Tim Sexton stated that those that complain should <br /> know that the students aren't perFect, but they are doing good things in the community. <br /> Cathy Toppel stated that people don't call when things are going great, they want their <br /> problems addressed. She also stated she wanted people to know that the Community <br /> Campus Advisory Coalition exists and that they can attend the meetings, bring issues, <br /> and that things have come a long way since when it was first started. <br /> Kathy Cekanski-Farrand stated that there should be a network between the county, city, <br /> and Clay Township. She reminded the group that there is a noise ordinance and <br /> violations are $100 for the first offense, $250 for the second offense and $500 for each <br /> offense thereafter. Also she would like representatives from all of the schools to attend <br /> these meetings. <br /> TAXI ISSUES <br /> Ann-Carol Nash stated that the City is diligently working on drafting a new taxi cab <br /> ordinance. She stated that Karen White has held a lot of ineetings and Kathy Cekanski- <br /> Farrand has offered a lot of the information as well. The Council is to meet to address <br /> suggestions offered to be held at 3:30 tomorrow (April 27, 2011) at the Health and <br /> Public Safety Meeting. <br /> She also stated that the safety of passengers is of the utmost importance. The City <br /> wants to make sure that the drivers are properly licensed, have had background checks <br /> and driving records are satisfactory. Also, the taxi cab companies must be licensed <br /> companies. The amended ordinance may require posting a notice in the cab who to <br /> contact in case problems arise. Also, taxi cabs can be subjected to inspections by <br /> South Bend Police, and the City's Equipment Services Department can require a <br /> manifest of drivers. She urged the student council when they learn of concerns and taxi <br /> cab incidents to report them the City's Legal Department. <br /> Kathy Cekanski-Farrand stated that there is a difference between the City and the <br /> Airport Authority; however they are working together on the ordinance. <br /> When the student council passes out the safety booklets and magnets just prior to the <br /> 2011-2012 school year, they will include the licensed taxi cab companies students <br /> should use. <br />