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Ann-Carol Nash stated that she had received an unfortunate report from an East Coifax <br /> resident who was showing family from out of town around on Easter morning in the 700 <br /> block of East Washington, and that there were lots of plastic cups strewn all over from a <br /> party the night before. <br /> Brian Coughlin mentioned that that "Study Days" were approaching and that should be <br /> a quiet time in general but that partying is anticipated on the last day of classes and the <br /> last two weekends leading up to graduation. He stated that he can be responsible for <br /> students but not for parents. He also estimated as the weather gets warmer, there will <br /> be more problems with underage drinking, and possible arrests made. <br /> Cathy Toppel said they are still working on enforcing Single Family Dwellings which <br /> cannot be used for multiple persons residing in them. She also complimented Megan <br /> Doyle on a nice article she had written and published on this topic. <br /> Brett Rocheleau stated that student government is expanding the Student Ambassador <br /> program to the Off-Campus Council. The ambassadors will emphasize what it means to <br /> be a good neighbor. Student government is forming plans for some neighborhood <br /> events such as a Chipotle night for local citizens and students to interact with each <br /> other next school year. <br /> SAFETYISSUES <br /> Sheriff Grzegorek stated that he had met with the student government at Notre Dame <br /> and talked about safety issues and the creation of a safety booklet to be distributed to <br /> students. The booklet will be distributed by RA's to incoming freshman, landlords <br /> leasing properties to students, and by the Off Campus Ambassadors in the <br /> neighborhoods. The booklet is to contain safety tips for students to follow, and <br /> information on how to be good neighbors. A refrigerator magnet will also be provided <br /> with phone numbers for emergency services, taxi services, and other important <br /> resources such as utilities. <br /> Brett Rocheleau stated that the Notre Dame Security Police will dress in normal attire <br /> and mix with students to inform them how to be good neighbors. Notre Dame is <br /> planning a Back to School Block Party to meet the neighbors and other neighborhood <br /> events for local citizens and students. <br /> Mike Carrington expressed the safety concern for students who are intoxicated. He <br /> stated that they become more vulnerable to accidents and becoming victims of crime. <br /> Buddy Kirsits expressed his concern that intoxicated students may become victims of a <br /> more serious condition such as alcohol poisoning which can be life threatening. He also <br /> emphasized that Transpo is available for free transportation at night for those living and <br /> traveling off campus. In addition, the Off Campus Ambassador Program is available to <br /> escort students to help ensure safety. <br />