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Decemt~er 11, 2006 Personnel and Finance Committee Meeting Minutes <br />Page 2 <br />Council Member Dieter stated that he appreciated the information shared at the <br />Committee meetings and for the opportunity to meet with Mr. Hatchel. He noted that <br />good discussion has taken place and that "he had changed his mind on the Hall". He <br />noted that he believes that "we should support it and keep it here". <br />Dr. Varner thanked Mr. Hatchel for meeting with him, noting that he has thought for <br />years that there is potential for the Hal[ to be successful. He stated that for the past ten <br />(10) years the City of South Bend "has been enormously supportive of the Hall"; <br />however he believes that an endowment must be created. If attendance gets higher, <br />many of the ongoing problems will go away, however at the time he cannot support Bill <br />No. 65-06. He hoped that Mr. Hatchel would pass on the concerns raised and that <br />future meetings with him and the NFF officials would take palce. <br />Council Member Pfeifer stated that the "process has been fruitful, noting that Dr. <br />Varner's comments have helped people get items on the table". She stated that she <br />believes that the Council "wants it here and wants it to be successful". <br />Council Member White then made a motion, seconded by Counci[ Member Kuspa that <br />BIII No. 65-06 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed 3-1 with Dr. <br />Varner being in the minority. <br />Bill No. 85-D6 4#" Sul,stitute Bill to Transer Monies from Various Accounts <br />Council Member Pfeifer called fior a forma[ presentation on the 4~" substitute version of <br />Bill No. 85-06 {copies of all versions attached). <br />City Controller M. Catherine Fanello made the presentation. She noted that annually at <br />the end of the year the Administration files an ordinance which would appropriate and <br />transfer monies to cover any shortfalls in major categories within the various City's <br />funds. Major categories include personnel, supplies, services and other uses. The last <br />version updates the Park Fund addressing golf, with ail updates now being balanced <br />within the funds. <br />1n response to a question from Council Member Dieter, Ms. Fanello noted that the <br />monies in the Police Department are those needed to cover PERF expenses. <br />In response to a questions from Council Members White and Dieter, Ms. Fanello stated <br />that Fund # 670 addressing the Century Center addresses contractual services to cover <br />utility shortages. She added that the security account was over budget by $23,000 and <br />that new RFP are being asked in this area, with the current contract not being renewed. <br />Council Member White made a motion, seconded by Dr. Varner that the 4t" version of <br />Bill Nn. 85-06 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br />