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December 11, 2006 Zoning and Annexation Committee Meeting Minutes <br />Page 2 <br />Sulastitute Bill No. 73-06 Rezoniin Re nest for 619 Cone a Street: <br />Council Member Kuspa called far a report from the Area Plan representative on <br />Substitute Bill No. 73-06 for the properties located at 1643 and 1635 Prairie Avenue. <br />Mark Lyons of the Area Plan staff reported that the request is to rezone from "LB" Local <br />Business District to "CB" Community Business District received a favorable <br />recommendation by the Area Plan Commission at their November 27, 2006 meeting. <br />He added that the Rum Village Neighborhood Association supports the rezoning. <br />Ronnie Minner made the formal presentation for the owner Richard D. Fox. He noted <br />that the rezoning would permit him to operate an automobile repair shop. He leased a <br />space on Miami for eleven (11} months, and he is trying to purchase the property. He <br />has cleaned up the rubbish and repaired the fence. He is anxious to get back to work <br />instead of working for $9.00 per hour. <br />Citizen Member Ed Talley inquired about the rent which he was paying. Mr. Minner <br />stated that he paid $1,100 for monthly rent. However now he is paying less on the land <br />contract for the property. <br />Following discussion, Citizen Member Talley made a motion, seconded by Council <br />Member Dieter that Substitute Bill No. 73-06 be recommended favorably to Council. <br />The motion passed. <br />Bill No. 06-118 Speciat Exception Request for 1902 Miami Street & 1110 E. Calvert: <br />Council Member Kuspa called for a report from Building Commissioner Don Fozo on the <br />special exception request for the property located at 1902 Miami and 110 East Calvert <br />Street. <br />Don Fozo, Building Commissioner, reported that the request would permit a special <br />exception for off-site parking for Jackson Hewitt. The Board of Zoning Appeals voting <br />unanimously in favor of the request at their November 16, 2006 meeting. <br />Pam Zahra who works with Jackson Hewitt who purchased the property. The special <br />exception request is to officially correct the off-street parking. They have planted trees <br />and cleaned up the property since the purchase. <br />Council Member Dieter made a motion, seconded by Citizen Member Talley that Bill No. <br />06-118 be recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br />