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Zoning and Annexation Committee Meeting <br />2006 South Bend Common Council <br />The October 9, 2Q06 meeting of the Zoning and Annexation Committee of the South <br />Bend Common Council was called to order by Chairperson, Council Member Ervin <br />Kuspa, at 3:32 p.m. in the Council's Informal Meeting Room. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Members Pfeifer, Varner, Kuspa, Rouse, Kelly, <br />Kirsits, Dieter, and Puzzella; Citizen Member Ed Talley, Community and Economic <br />Development Executive Director Sharon Kendall, Martha Lewis, Richard Deahl, Michael <br />Danch, Ed Murphy, City Clerk Jahn Voorde, Frank Agostino, J. Bernard Feeney, <br />Nicholas Witwer, Mark Lyons, Marco Mariani, Tyler Glenn, Martin Wolfson, Charles <br />Bulot, Mrs. Kopola, Bill Schalliol, Jamie Loo of the Soufh Bend Tribune, and Kathleen <br />CekanskiWFarrand, Council Attorney. <br />Council Member Kuspa noted that the Committee Members consist of Council Members <br />Kirsits, Dieter and White, and Citizen Member Ed Talley. He stated that those who wish <br />to be recognized should state their name and address far the record. <br />Bill No. 06-'102 Special Exception fnr 3fi36 Gagnon Street;- <br />Council Member Kuspa called for a report from the Board of Zoning Appeals, <br />Charles Bulot, Assistant Zoning Administrator, noted that the petition for special <br />exception to allow for an outside storage area from the maximum allowable area of <br />4,54Q square feet to 84,975 square feet received a favorable recommendation at their <br />September 21, 200t? meeting (report attached). <br />In response to questions from Council Member Dieter it was noted that there was a prior <br />violation which resulted in the petitioner filing the request pending before the Council. <br />There were no violations prior to that in their operations for the past ten (10) years. <br />Mr. Richard Deahl, an attorney with Barnes and Thornburg made the formal <br />presentation. He introduced Ed Murphy, President of General Machine and Saw and <br />Mr. Michael Danch. He noted that the site in question contains ten (1 Q) acres. They <br />are taking in more inventory and consequently need more storage apace. A change in <br />the new zoning ordinance which previously permitted this now places a 20% cap. <br />There would be evergreen screening on the east side and their largest customer is on <br />the west side. <br />Mike Danch of Danch, Horner & Associates, Inc. with offices at 1843 Commerce Drive <br />provided preliminary site plans to the Committee (copy attached). He noted that there <br />would be a recycled asphalt topcoat on the gravel. Six foot tall Douglas firs would be <br />planted and white firs on the east side. 5-6 trips per day for truck traffic is anticipated <br />with the highest amount on any one day being twenty. <br />