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PERSONNEL AND FINANCE COMMITTEE <br />2006 Common Council <br />The May $, 2006 meeting of the Personnel and Finance Committee was called or arder <br />by its Chairperson, Council Member Charlotte D. Pfeifer at 4:00 p.m. in the Council <br />Informal Meeting Roam. <br />Persons in attendance included Councilmembers Puzzello, White, Varner and Citizen <br />Member Nikki Hutchinson. <br />Absent: Councilmember Kuspa <br />Bill No. 06-41 A rovin the Issuance of Scra MetaUJunk Dealers Licenses for <br />Calendar Year 2006 for Rec clip A/KIA Greentech Transfer <br />Gary Gilot, South Bend Director of Public Works explained the favorable <br />recommendation of the BPW for the license application of Greentech Transfer to start & <br />operate a transfer statian. <br />Councilmember White made a motion, seconded by Dr. Varner that Bill No. 06-41 be <br />recommended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br />Sill No. 29-06 -Amend Code Cha ter 2 Article 9 Human Ri hts Ordinance h the <br />Inclusions of New Provisions Addressin Gender Identi and Sexual Qrientation. <br />Cauncilmember Pfeifer explained the rules of presentation aimed at equal, fair, <br />opportunities for those far and against. She also announced two additional meetings of <br />the Personnel & Finance Committee to hear Bill 29-06, they being on 5-10-06 at 4:00 <br />p.m. and 5-1~'-06 at 5:00 p.m. <br />Presenting for was Catherine Pittman, 2628 Summit Ridge representing South Bend <br />Equality. She did a power point presentation documenting empirically the incidence of <br />discrimination by sex orientation and gender identity. Presently those discriminated for <br />the above have no where to go for adjudication. It was suggested the Human Rights <br />Commission was the natural agency to hear claims. The petition supporting 29-06 with <br />1256 signatures in support is given to clerk's office. <br />Brad Lear of 1232 Longfellow and Robin Beck owner of an alternative lifestyle <br />bookstore in the 100 Center continued the presentation. <br />Mayor Luecke supported the creation of a new protected class and favored manadatory <br />compliance. <br />Penny Hughes, 1918 Southernview Drive, and a realtor for 27 years added support. <br />