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cover letter to the st.ti~stt€~tc~ dill, that ~ounc-il Me~~~rs t-~i~ter, a~vhit~ =o~ci i'€~~~~lia, t?~e <br />codspo~rars of the Bill, have recorrr~nend~~d that transfer stations he delet€;d frcr~n tl~e licensing <br />p€-~acess. ~~ added drat transi~r stations ~voE~ic~ i~c~~ve~~r soil t:~c; rectieireei. to ~o~1~p~.y with tie <br />6:ity's zani~~g regulations; » regr~l~rtic~ns and. rather health and safety° regr~iatiaa~s. <br />~;~uncil Me~~l~er Pfeifer stated that fibs proposed an~endn~er~t regardin<~7 =,he 1-~oldin4~ period would <br />rerv~ard gt~od hehav~ior.. <br />In the prsblic portion, Catltc;rirre. "l-oppel, Depat°tt~aent ~~f Ccde I~~farce;nent, spuk.e in favor rsf the <br />sr~l~stite~te dill. She noted that she lras lead tine oppot~t~~~ity to lra~~e i~-~pr~i into tl7e 1°egulatioi~s, ar~c~ <br />that the affected businesses lave also. ~l'hefis zaf Metals is a proF~le~n in ~?~~r ~€~snn~uniiy and c~ti~er <br />co~~r~~ri~nities and believes tl~e ne~v regulatiar5s would assist the ~itv. Sipe n.czteci that she had arc. <br />concern regarding the deletion of transfer sta€ic~ns fro~~ the I-3i.ll and. it involves screeningifencing <br />require~-r€ents tivhici~ she. believes are needed. M1e sr~w~gested that sa~n~e tit~~e in the: future sloe <br />would like to discuss that topic: a€~d the effect on neigl~l~oring properties. She concluded leer <br />remarks by stating that. she believes that the additional regulatiUns are necessary. <br />;urt Yc~ur~gs stated that his Lusi.~~ess has had a lot of metals stolen f~°o~r~ it. 1-Ie stated that the <br />~-et;ard keeping which is prcrlx~sed, tl~e office liaoks arad the videtr surveillance are all ~=oad <br />business practices and encouraged the C'o€tt~cil to approve the reg€alatic-ns. <br />Spealters in opposition to tl~e I3iIl i;rcluded David Mirl~iri. the attarne,~~ far Sauth Fiend Scrap <br />l~rt~cessing Bt.i~isian cif Sfiurgis Iran & Metal Cc?~npany, Inc. Mx. Niirl~in thanked thc: Ca€~ncil for <br />listening to tha:~~ and ~uas gratefr.~l for the c~ppartunities to dc~ scr_ IFe Hated hc~wevc~r that. Ira does <br />net agree with the palice investigati~~r~, the different forms, the phato FIB and the thurrrbprint <br />recluireinents. lie stated that th.e video surveillance requiretr~ents are doable. He, stated. that he <br />~vts~~.[d. prefer that the Gau~acil "mirror thy; state statute". <br />IZob~t-t l~esiop, tl~e C~peratio~a Manager fE~r Soutlr fiend Scralr ~:.I~racessing .l~ivisiot~ of Stnrgis <br />iron & Metal C,a~-npany, lnc., located at i ~(}5 E'rairie avenue in Sc3r~th Fend; and a <br />residential address in Granger stated that he would prefer that tl3e ;'council l~ernrit the businesses <br />to irrrple-nent a "Metal Theft alert Network", i~~stead of changing tl•~e ordinance. i"le stated that <br />if tl~e ordirrant~e is 'passed the peaple will just go elsewhere. ~Ie noted. that when the Courrcii <br />Me~r~bers ca~~,e out on F'_riday that l~~~siness was slow, and il~at on a typical Satt~rdav they have <br />al~ac~fi _70C~ metal transactions, with abaut 2~`~io of those being alt~n~i~3un~ cams which would l-re <br />exc,nlpt. Ne suggested living tl~e ~jrdinance as it is or dust include tl~e vi.cle« surveillance <br />pravisi€a~~s. <br />in to a question fro~~~r Council MG~nber .i?feifer, Mr. Mirkin stated ti~at peaple see the <br />thurnhprint recluiren~c~nt ~~s a "huge invasion of privac~~" <br />Mic:l~.ael Morris of l:ndustrial F)isposal ~ recycling I~~C located at 14?~ ~c~€~th 4~Ialnut stated: <br />that he appreciates having the transfer stations deleted. Fle noted that state regulations reclt~ire <br />extensive screening/fencing. I-Fe suggested tl~a.t pc;rhaps 13ay Scouts aa7d Girl Scouts be e~clu.ded. <br />Fie noted that the theft alert concept was used last `l"l~ursday ~ui~en lie was a vici:i;~~ of a theft and <br />that Sturgis Fron called and said. that they had the item which vas stolen. Ile noted. that (here <br />were diftt~t~lties with caunty/city jt~risdictiar~s ~vhicl~ he haped cor~ld be addressed. its the filature. <br />Ire they ware a~ila; to get the st~rlera praperty addressed. <br />~~155~ ~~~, ?USJ6 ~~a~lijLjS ~.l31~ }~13~S~SC ~0r~}' x.073111'14#lt^1- Ok ~~lu `~f{lil ~t1L~~L}l ~L'lId Z.017I1pi3ll ~,Oll13G1~ -~.'~tES;t'. ' Ot ? - <br />