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Ne~~th ~d alp ~~e ~ <br />2C7[1C~ 5t~~ui7tI3e3tCi~~orra'tto~~t«~~aic3.~ <br />Tlae .April ?~. 2i?[1t~ aneeting of the l--Iealtl~ and I'tlt7lic Safety C,olna~-littee avas callt:cl to order cat <br />5:i)t:) p.a.~a. by its Chairperson C`olxrlcil M.earaber Karen I:. White in the Council's Informal Meeting <br />Roolrl. <br />?~ersor~s ita atteradal~c~: included ~`ouncil. Mel~a~aers l?feifer, l'li~zelto, White, Varner, Kirsits, <br />Kelly, Dieter, and Rousc;; l'tbblic Works aid E rt~pert,j Vacation Comi~aittee Ci.ti ren Member l~;.~lrt <br />Youngs, Residential Neig'hbol-hoods Cotn~nittee Citizen Mernlaer Martha l~ewis, l~epartn~ent of <br />Code Enforcet~-~ent I~irectoa- Catlzeritae rl'ol~pel, 1~ike Morris, Kevin Voui~~;, Cary Levin, Cit~r <br />attorney Charles I.,eone, I3avici Mirkin, Robert estop: ~aanie Loo of the .~ra?tt)2 F~c~~acl `C~•il~arne <br />and. I~:athleea~ C`el.anslti-Fari-and; Council Attorney. <br />Council Fv'[el~her White: aaoted that the Coa~an~ittee anembers inci€1de Cot.l.aaeil Ivlerr~bers Varner, <br />T~uspa, Ptarrello and herael~,. and Citizers I~:eMber Christie M. Mc~txll~~. <br />Bill i4Ton ~2-~Ca ~`'e~~•tarl'or~ t~~c `I'1>!e~t at'~lu~iit;:~ ~'ca per ~rerl ll~etalecl llt~so <br />Co>xncil l~en~l~t~r Wl-aite noted that first itel.~a ora tl~e agenda vas Bill Nc~. l Z-t)h which woa.~ld <br />regulate scrap metall~lrank dealers and provide additional regulations to help curtail the theft of <br />alut~linun~ and copper wl-cici~ is occ;ura-ing il~rol~gia.out tine city. She noted that the Comn:aittee teas <br />discussed this Bill at its meetings taf March 2`~nd, March 27t1~, and April 1{~tl~a; noting that two of <br />t97ose meetings were special C`o~~la~ittee Meetings. <br />C`oul~cil Mel~ll~er Wllite tlae~? called fo.r ~. a~~otion to accept the sb~bstitE.ate version al~d cover letter <br />which has beea~ filed with tl~e C7fiice o#` tha: City Clerl<. C.ot€tacii :~ca~7l~er l'l,arzello made a <br />motion to that effect, se:coa~ded by I~r. Varner. '¢'he motion passed. <br />Council Men~~-aer L3ieter then provided a l~an.€ioi~t: dated April 2~, 200 ~~~ltich inc;ltddes a ~~~~~- <br />substitute page ~ to the Substitute Bill. l-le stated that the Bill has received inpti~t from the City <br />1°attorr[ey's ~z~ice, Code l/nforcea~rent, the ~t~lice Department, the County Prosecutors and the <br />dealers rvlao vv«rl: in this area. Last Friday, tae and Council Member l~irsits and tFae Ccalrrracil <br />Attoa~~e_y visited three ~;} Businesses; Caertrude Street Metal Recycling Inc.., Industrial Disposal <br />~ Recyclin.g i_.f.C., and. South Bend. Scrap c~; l3rocessirrg I~ivisioal of Stl.l_a-gis Iron and. Metal <br />Con~par~y, lr~c. ~e then i~r-ieBy sutnl~~arized sor~le of the l:aictures o,~ the haradoaat of those <br />operations. lie noted that the Gertrude and. lradustrial Disposal operations have video cameras <br />operating 1~oth in the interior and exterior parts of tl~aeir l~usia~esses. ~iertrude peeps a rolodex <br />with copies of driver's licenses of those verho wish to serail and receive money for their itetaas. <br />tie believes that alt3t of good infora~~atiora was shared with. ~ther~t about ii~eir business operations. <br />'t'he Colzncil ~1.ttorne}~ noted. that tll.e proposed. ar~~et~dr~~ent set Forth ora page ~ wot~id. ree~uire, as <br />part of tl~e licensing l~roeeda~l-e for• such busia~esses, a holdi~ag period of ferrous and non-ferrous <br />ra~etals (exclrtding a€ul~lirrui~a c;ars~ olily if a btisi~~ess ~~~as forlnd to have v?olated. a provision. tlf <br />tl~e. city ordi~~ancs: ill this prior calendar y~ai. la:l t%at event, none-day hold woutcl be <br />iaraplea~lented if the l~>rsiness has colrapatit~le snfl;;rare with the SBl't7, trr a two-day hold if the-y <br />do not. She added that based ora the extensive regulations of II~E~ a.nd l~l~A as noted i.rE the <br />~~hril ~'~l.'t1{1fr I-[ee~lEh anti r~ttl>lit S~si.'un° t~'onunittee of the?[;t1{> 5~7t~tlt 13et~ci Cnn~nlcm C'ouneil -Pa~,e 1 of .5 - <br />