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Sloe added that she leas asked matt ~hlel_~owski, director ot~ C~`entral Services, t€~r a <br />co~prehensive report on gasoline usage in l.igl~t cif such chaa-ges c€~ntinuin~; tc~ She <br />uc~tec€ the following charges to tl~e city for t;asolir?e: <br />~~.22 us~ieaded gasoline as of (14-1 ~ -t?~ f. i ciiesei gas€~di~~e as of C)~-~ ~ -()~ <br />~2.~1 ~.tnleaded nasoline as of ~-2 €-(3~ ~~.3~ diesel gasoline as €~f•C~~-2~-(fib <br />far. idartler il~cluired. ab€~ut the payl~ent €`_~` a su~•cl~arge on gasoline p~~rchases, arld the C"itgr <br />~ontrolle~• stated she was n.ot s~rr:e and ~vcruld checi: into that. with lU[att Chlebourski. <br />~,l~e ~.ouncat Attornev noted. that at an earlier ~o~€ncil ~or~'~~nittee ntee.tirrg the Ad~~~inistrati€~a~ <br />stated that there they were calcrri~rti€~~ the savil~gs to the city :n overtirn.e costs, salt, etc., in Ci:ght <br />c>f the war~~~ ~~tinter n~o~~ths to tl~e al~ourats budgeted fir each of these items. <br />~€~€tncil Me~~~ber Pfeifer inquired ~vE~ether ~Tll''s and C~I~'s were bein~~ asked to cclrtail their <br />c~rivir~g in li~;l~t of the increased costs of gasoline; as well as asking the Pc~Iic:e l:~epart~~ent to ecrt <br />hack on usage oi•take horse cars on otf=d>rrty hcs~zrs. <br />1l~ls. l^anc;tto stated that at last Priday,s l~c:partr~ent lead meeting, alt clepart~-~~ents were asked tc~ <br />took at their budgets ar~d in particular loci costs tc? see ~~~here they cocrld cart costs. <br />t~,oumcii l~~er~ber Dieter noted that the ~ ~"~'s get City ears and get ~ ity gas and then are. paid 13y <br />l~otre Marne daring the foatba6l season. <br />~ouncii Nte~~l~er ~hitc; i.ncluired al7t>ut tl~e ?°ia circuit l~realce;r state la~~~ recently passed. ley tl~e <br />state legislatttrc, and the potential impact wl~ieh it wc~~tld have on tl~e ~,ity's l~urlget. <br />lVls. 1^anello stated that the 2'~io circlv~it lareaker would he l~andator}~ i'€;'r alt residential property ire <br />?f)(}8 and. urill. represent a €~hallenge. It c~lutd rnet~rr an .~8 t~illi.on red€€ction in property taxes far <br />20(17 payable in 200, but hopefully tl~e state legislature will address alternative funding sources <br />f€`,r 1€acal ~;csvern~nents. 'Tl~e Adaa~inistration anticipates ~.ising tax anticipation warrants irr ii~ht of <br />4he tax hilts being delayed ita going out this Spring and tl~e payrrrent date being tielayecl. <br />l~r. darner stated that he tselieves that there will tie stl~er rnechanisr~ to 17riarg in revenue or s~ther <br />stop-gap ~~easures; however President Rouse cl~allengc:d this state~r~ent and stated that: the City <br />should prepare no~v for the worse ease scenario. <br />le!s. l~annelio added that there, ~~~ay lie a devastating effect on rl'l~ districts and rl`1F del~~ts. <br />In response to a ctuestior~ trorr~ Council President Roy.€se, Ms. ltannello stated that tl~e t/-ity goes <br />out for quotes for gasoline fro~ra ?-~ vendors so that there ~njould lie eor~petitive pacing. <br />NIr_ C~~ilot stated that they go cut for quotes on a weekly laasis. <br />iVis. l~anello noted that insurance costs have increased. in tl~e first quarter a~ad that the ~'ity is <br />wa~rking with Gibson Insurance. <br />;tpFil ? 3, Zf?06 I'ers!~~Ai~cl anil Finance C'on~mittee i~Itee ing 3Ut~~3utes -Pale ~ of 3 <br />