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P~S0~1~e~ ~~d ~~~11C~ CO~Iftlllt~G~ <br />=GG6 South 33end Co~n~non Ciutncil <br />'1."lie April ~~, ~[l(}~ meeting E>f the 1'ersonn~:l grad Fina~~ce Cos~>1-nittee ~~~as called to order by its <br />Chairperson, Council Me1~1l7er Charlatte 17. Pfeifer at 4:53 p.l-n. in the Council lnforl~aal Meeting <br />l~aor~. <br />,'ersons in attendance included Ct)ua~cit Members Puzzello, White, Varner, Pfeifer, Kelly, 17ieter, <br />Kirsits a~~d Rouse; City Controller M. C.aiherine Fa~~lella, Mrs. Kopala, Martha Lewis, Director <br />~~~ P~~bl.ic Works Mary Ghat, .f~aarlie of the ,5nut12 l3ene~ T~~ihzcne and Kathleen <br />µarrand, Council Attorney. <br />Council Me~nl<aer Pfeifer .Hated that the Calnlrlittec 1Vle.~t~.bers include C'au~~cil M.e.n~ll~c;r 4Vl~itc as <br />Vice-Clair, Cou~~lcil Members iluspa and Varl~er and Citizen ~Ile~~~l~er ~likki l~utcl~insc~rl. <br />13111 Noo ti6-33v irlce~se li,ec~uest of `I',•eadstone Il,ll~;~ <br />C~`ouncil Men-~ber Pfeifer tl~:en called far a presel~tation €~n Bill .No. (~6-33 which is a resalutio~~l <br />which would approve the issuance €~f a scrap l~etalr'jlznl: deatersltransfer station license far 21}Ub <br />for `Freadstone L1.C pursuant to ,youth ]3e~zc~ ~~~~taic~i~~a1 (,~(~G Sectio~~ 4-5 i.. <br />Director of Public Works, ~gary Ciilot, ??~atle tefarli7al presentation. lie rlatecl that Code <br />El~forcelrlent a17d the Fire Depal~n~el~t hay°e l~~lade inspectio~is of the facility, and that Water <br />Warl:s reviewed. the ~t~rater well protection fields in the area. All recon~lr?end tl~e request <br />favorably, <br />C:atlncil l~lernher White ~~ade a motion, seconded 1?~I f}r. Varner -that 13111 ~~. fl6-33 be <br />re~:on~~~ea~ded fatforably to Council. rl'l~e lnc~tion 1}assed. <br />1st uarte~• ZOOb ~'gfla~nclal lie ar't ~®s• tine ~€~uth ~e~[~: <br />City Controller lE/t. Catherine 1~aneilo then revie`4~teC1 tl~e April 1 ~, 2~Ot~ tl-le 1 ~~-page report ~cczpy <br />attached) ~~ll~ich is the first Fill.ancial Deport e~fer filed on tl~e ~'ity of South. fiend ~vifli the <br />~;®n~~rlor~ ~:c~~.lncil, lr/ls. 'i~`anella aloted that it was divided into flee following sectiol~s: <br />page cover letter dated April. 1.9, ?flt~6 <br />2. P;xec~ztive Sut~llr~a~r <br />3. Sulrllnary of Revenges ley Fund 1 ype <br />4-. Sul"n~~ary of ~~penditures br, Fund. € ypc; <br />5. 1/xpenditL~res by Departlr~e€~t'by :fund <br />She noted that she t~+rc~lrtld lie 1lappt1 tc~ address any other itel~~s the Council wolrlld like i~~c.luded i~-~ <br />f>~ture financia} reports wllicl~ would be filed on a quarterly asi.s. ~Vl~ decreases 1~lay result in <br />possible cuts. <br />11,1 respanse tt3 a questian tt~o~~~ Dr. Varner, Ms. Fanello stated. that the 11~1VI 1 funds wol.dd reflect <br />a decrease i~ anticipated revel~r~es and that tl~e; city wa~lld be recei~.ring less i`unds than last year. <br />April Z~, 20OG F'essonnel anti 1.:=.n~nce C;oE~n~ittec McCin~ 1~linutes -Page 1 of ;- <br />