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Cl~u~c~l ~u~s ~ammi~tel~ <br />~UO6 South 13c~~~ Co~uinnn Council <br />The April 1 C), 20(l~ Council Rules ~`on~~nittee was caned to c~rds~r by its €~ laa.irpersoi?, C~?~ s€~cil <br />President %'ir~~ot'1~y ,~. Rouse at 5:45 p.n. i~~ the Co~.tncil l~~fo~~~al Meeting Roo~~~. <br />Persons in atkendance iracls~ded Council. Me~-nt~ers Dieter, l~feifer; Kelly, Pszzzello, Varner, <br />1~ouse~ l~irsits a~~d 1~hite5 l~ita Kopala., C~it~l C`lerl~ Tohn ~joords~, Ta~~nie Loo of the ~c}aatla ~~~~~~~ <br />~'f.;~rs~ie and Council A1.torney 14athleen Celcanski-Farrand. <br />Council 1'resider~t Rorsse noted that the n•~ea2~bers of tl~e C'on~~~~iitee include C:os.~rscil Members <br />bite, Kelly, Kuspa; Var~~ser and himself. <br />Council l~resideni mouse s#ated that tl~e only ite~~ to co~~~e t~ei~ore, the C'oi~3~~ittee was 13111 l~lo. <br />~~-O~i rvl~ich would al~lend tl~e C:'ouncil rites and prcrcedut~es which are Codified ire ~_'llapter 2 cif <br />the ~~~~t~t~r l~t~~~~:~' I~~Iur~~cr~?cxl f_;ocl~-. l le rooted tha# he is prol?osir~g a t~c~ry lino#ed ol•~portitnity f€`'r a <br />Ccluncil Met~nber to exercise a proxy when he or sloe ca~~ Prot absolutely ,e presersi: f®r a r~.~tkl~tr <br />Cor~~rtor~ C~oa~tlcil meeting, as set fo€~th in tl~e pro~~sed r~rdir~ance. <br />C.or~acil Mell~sl_~er 1~vhite voiced co~~cern c~l~out tl~e absent C'ourECil 1!!l.e~~ber who wo>r~1d exercise <br />the proxy procedure as rrot ha~~ing the ability to hear the pc,rsons wh~7 address tl~e Council during <br />the public portion on a 13111 prior to the act~~al ~~ote bei.tag takers. Sl:se noted that the public input <br />process is very i~~pc~rtar~t to the overall proc~;ss. <br />C.ou~~Gil president 1Zo~,ise agreed ~~ith the ~~oneern raised. by 1•ltec~ber ~V13ite and stated <br />that he has had additic?na] discussic~sns with the Council t~ttorr~ey since the 1=3111 was filed, arld has <br />asked her to contins.~e her rsvsearct7 as to ho~~• otl~e~~ legislative bodies shay tie addressing such. a <br />concern. C'oancil Ps°esident Rouse. noted that t:~e Council I~!le~nbers are eery ver}r b~.ssy, as show~~ <br />during the atte~r~pt to scl~ed~~le dates for tl~e Ccrunci.l. I~e:treat sessions, and that due to conflicts <br />tl~e sessions were reduced front three to #wo. <br />~~~€.~r~cil Member Pfeil-~;r noted that an etx~ergency situation ~•nay be ~~sore valid than arse whs~re, <br />there ~~,foold bc; ??-hour noti~;e provided as addressed i~~ the proposed Bi11. <br />C`.ounci.l Metr~ber P'riz~ello stated that stye 4vo~ild want definite a~~d absolute criteria as to wLaat <br />situations would clttalif~; l~ei:ore she sr.ot'ld st~ppo~-t such a proposa€. <br />C~'otrncil l~resid.ent Rouse ih~~nl~ed e°eryo-le l'or their co~~.~~~ertts, noti.r~~= ti~at ~.~~any valid. concerns <br />have been raised a~~d would lie a.ddressed_ Lt~; stated. that he wot~9d be asl~in.g fog- the 13111 to be <br />c;ontirt:red the next C,o~lncil ~z~eeting so that a.dclitional. ~'esearch s/or€ld be done. l,hes'e being <br />no further business to co~~re before tl•:e C.os~sn~sittee, `.s~ur~ci€ President Rotisse adjourned the <br />~neetir~g at 5:~3 p.~~. <br />Respectfully s~..~~itted.. <br />~C`~uncil l~resit Tii~rothy ~'~. Rouse <br />South Bend C.o~~'s~nors Cota~~cil <br />F~l?r~f f'7.2i)L)c; C`~~~t~~oii Mules Comn~itte~ -l'nge I of 1- <br />