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1[~~11 N~a 21-OG: ~ ~5 9041i-~~r° R~~c.~~ ~`o~~d '~ a~"o ~°~~stlca~® <br />l~att.aion Chief Greg stated tl~a.t thi:.l~iver Resc~~e. l~rograat~ began in the ] 98Q's, ~vitl~ <br />C`€aetncii. Vlcn7b€;r l~irsit.s being one of its foEtndita~~ rn.ert~tbers_ ~l,o held offset, €~vert:i~n.e ccgsts they <br />~vi]l dot€blc tine nu~~iaer crf siudents fae~•~~itted t€~ participate, tl~ir€s raising the nt~t~ber to 1~~. The <br />school tries to b€: self st~ffi.cient, with st€~.dents coz~nin~ from througho~rt the country as well as <br />foreign co~zntrie4. `l,hey should I~ar~e/ a balance of ~ ~~,~Ctl) in. the acco€rnt after tlae larogra~~n.. <br />dill ~®. 22-960 ? ~~4~9 H~z-IV'I~t l~~~rli ~ a~•o a€~iatiea~: <br />Battalion Chief Csreg lt!letzcer stated that thc. revenue in this account is raised lay going on calls <br />outside of the city 1iz~aits.Nozr-taxpayers are charged for sncla haz-~r~at services. <br />~ lie C:o€encil Attorney noted that the fees charged are approved by the; Council by ordinance. <br />In res}aonse to a cl~€e~stion from Council 1Vle~xtber pt~zzello, Battalion Chief lVletzcer stated that <br />the-rc, is or~c~ { E j year left. an the toll road Iaaz-gnat contract. <br />Council. ~e~nber ~v~hite thanked everyone fo€~ their infort~ation, and then. ad~ourt~ed the <br />Cozniaaittee meeting at 5;~5 la.~~, <br />I~.esspectf~ally s€~brnitte~, <br />Council [~e~r~ber l~.aren L. ~'lhite, Cl~airperso€a <br />~leralth and l'c-blic safety Cony=~~ittee <br />RC~':l€naf <br />Attachments <br />April LO, 2UOn 1-Le~lth ~~nd Pub4ic S~~ifstT C'urg~~nitf~'c' c~P ii~c ~?1.1f7G South Rend ~ aii~»o~~ E'uit5~cik -Yu~,c ~ i~ 5 - <br />