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~€ar€~t t~~e€ia~~- ~~'~~ ~'t~b~i~ €~~°ks c~racl I'~c~~er°ty ~c~c€z~te~~t ~'~~n€rtrttee <br />€rg~c~ tie ~'~~~~nne~ €aaa~ ~'t~t€€r~c~~ C~rr~~f~~ <br />~~1~~ 5'c~idt~a 1~~au~ ~'f~rn~nyrt Cc,zrt~eil 2~)d)~- <br />Council Ivle~nber Pfeifer rooted twat the C~itg~ Clerk's Office should retain ail of tbe: <br />i~~far-rsatiara ~ravided by tl~e City Cc~rtE-©ller in leer e~~~ails with tl~e capital budget. <br />Nl. Catherine Fanello, Cit}1 Controller, noted that she is changing the internal process so <br />that there is a getter data base. f-~s a result inforn~oatio~~ can be provided to the Council it tl~e <br />futaa~-e. <br />Dr. Varner thanl~ed the Cartrt~ller for responding tc~ all of his requests for additional <br />infon~ation ar~d especial)}~ the additional line-ite~~ detail. <br />Dr. Varner then ~-nade a motion, seconded by Council Member ~7+Il~ite that Substitute 13111 <br />Nc~. I I-OCR be recom~~ended favaral~ly to Coa~;~cil. Tl~e ~notioi~ passed. <br />~_lyder rniscellat~eous business, Public ~~orks Director C~ar_y C=alc~t noted. that part of tl~e <br />~-step process of providing a "C,lcar River l~eaitl~y Neighborhood" began on Jan~ra~~ l , 20C1~. <br />~t the next Council t~eeti=~~ there will tie an ord.inanee for revenue bo~~ds and a list ~~f projects <br />and app~-apriatiors.. They are following last year's blue p:rirt involving ~7.~ ~nillior, with ~7. <br />~~nillian of r~et proceeds being used. for preparati.o7~ c~l'specs and projects. <br />Ire response to a question fra~a~ Cc~L~nci1 President pause, hiir. Clilot noted that local <br />c;~~ntractors are being ide~~tified and ratified ~~f the ufieotning project. <br />Courcii N4ei~ber l~irsits vs~iccd concern about the N[ichigan Street. Bridge pedestria~~ <br />path being blocked by vehicles. <br />~v~r. (pilot voted that this was a state, f~igl~way praject, however Evir. Littrcl is irvaived anal. <br />he waa~ld bring it tc~ his attention. <br />i!t[r. `i'y Bancroft tl~e;n addressed the jt~ia~t cotnir~ittee regardit~.g a non-p~ay~nent issue on. <br />the Chippewa Street recanstruetia~a project. <br />Dr-. Varner noted that this wt~uld be a utter that slacsuld be addressed by the 13aard of <br />Public t~Jarks and riot tl~e Council since the Board deals with such contracts directly. <br />IV[r. Crilat stated that lie beiieves t8~i.s nay be a dispute between the generai contractor a~~d. <br />the sub-contractors, but would look iota it. <br />"l--'here being na further business to cc~~ne b~fc~re the joint ca~x~rnittee tr~eeting it was <br />adjourned at 4_~G p.~~~. <br />~1aes;1~ [:,, 21}E)G loins i~~te~tz~~g ofthr: 1'tai~lie Wnrks ~ 1=7c~}iert3- : <ic~Etion ~`t~miniiicc ~ ~~e 1'krsoibncl ~ F'i~~at}ee Co~nmi~tee <br />_E.>~i'_L ? ~t y_ <br />