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.I®int 11!~~el~rr~ a7~tfa~ Pu~i~~c G~~r•~~ rararl I'a~rppeat~~ ~caerctir~rr ~;`r~ratrrr~tt~~ <br />carc.c~ the ~er•~®r~rze~ rirta ~`~ra~~rtc•e C'€arnrraittee <br />-1-'>ze .S~zdth Be~~c~ (~"c~r~ainr~n (.:r~ua~cil 2(3(~~~ <br />The ~11arCl~ 13, 2~()6 joint ~~eetin~ of thc: Pailslic Works and 1'ropea-ty Vacatio~r <br />C.o~-urr~ittee a~~d the 1'ersot~nel and 1~inance Goi~~~~~ittee was jointly called. to ley 1'~.~.Islic <br />Works and :Property `v'acation Co~nn~itte;e ~-l~airperso~~, fir. David Varner and Council Me~n~ser <br />Charlotte D. l~~eifer, :Personnel a.nd .l~ir~anee Corr~~nittee Claairperse~n at 3:~5 p.~~. ire the Co~:tncil <br />Inl'or~na.l l~ee:ti~~~ Roo~~~. <br />l~ersoras in atterAd.ance included Council ~e~nt~ers 1'uzzellt~, Kelly, Pfeil`er, Wl~.€te, IZo€~se <br />Dieter, l~irsits and Varner, l~layor Stephen Li~eck~:, City ~'ontroller l~. Catherinr-; Fan~llo., <br />~ssistar~t `ire C~hie~ Rick Switalski; Co~n~r~unity ~ 1-~;coa~o~~ic l~evelop~ne~~t Director Sh~,roir <br />l~endall, l~r~l~iic W€~rks 17ire,ctcar Crary C~ilot, Parks `~uperinter~de~tt Phil St. Clair; Building; <br />Co~~an.~issioner lion bozo, 1?er4c~nr~el and I~inance Coiaa~z~ittee C•iti7e'~'~ l~l~~r~l~er Ni.kltii l~:utcl~i~~.sort, <br />1'~at?lic Works and Property Vacatiar~ Cc~~~~~r~ittee Citizen Ii~et~l~er IC.urt You~~~s, City Clerk. Icahn <br />Voorde, Janie g,€~o of the ~~3artf7 ?~errc~ f'~•il~u~re a~~acl CoG.tncil ~€torne~~ Kat~aleen <br />Cekat~ski-F arra~ld. <br />Co~.~noil Ivle~~l~er 1'1'eiaer noted tl~~r€ the tr~e~l~ers €.~f the l~erss~nnel and Finance <br />Co~~~nittee include C.o~,~ncil Iv~e~~il'rers White, Kuspa, V a~-~~er, ar~d herself; ar~d Nikki l~utehinsor~, <br />Citizen IVle~nl~er. <br />Dr. Varner noted that the ~~~e~~lters off' t6~e Pul7lic W s~rl~s and. 1'rope;rty Vacation <br />C;a~~r~~ittee incl~rde C-o~~ncil l~~et~hers f'feiter, Dieter, 1'~tzze;llo and l~i~~seli`_, and Kart ~®ran~s as <br />Citizen Meniher. <br />It ~Raars further noted that the ~c)ir?t ~~eetin~ ol'tl~e Cr~i~~~~ittees was called tc~ c:~ntinr;e the <br />review Sul,stitute Bi111~Io. 11-C1E~ which is the: proposed 2~()~ capital b~id~;et„ with the ec~2n~~~ittec~s <br />also a~~eetir~~ ita joint sessioia on l~~a.rch 9. 2L[Ib. <br />lVlayor L.uecke noted that a substantial a~~lo~ant of- ~~ateria:[ has been ~ro~,ieled tee the <br />Council and that tl~e discussions ol. last week ~~rere ve.~T food, lie noted that a "squeeze is <br />con~in~ arFd it is starting nc~~tir" as rctlee:tcd. i~~ tl~e reduced a.~x~ount asked i'or capital needs. <br />l~r. Varr~€~r noted. that there vas no line-ite~~~ fs~r Co~x~.~~c~n Cc~unc:il capital. ile;tns in tl~e <br />substit.~~te IiI..C. <br />~/layor I~ueclte stated. that he does reot Iva~ow if' the Cea~.bncil ~~-as apprised c~t~ the process <br />wl•~en p~•pgeets mere 1-~eir~~ requested by tl~e Adn~inistratic~n. Ike noted I~Qwever tl~a.t it there are <br />capital iteans which the Cc~r~~~cif needs that an additional appreapriatio~~ ordinance co€cld address <br />the~?~ at a later date. <br />Dr. Varner noted that he a~~ould like additional in~or~nation pro~~ided to tl~.e Cc~~r-~cil on a <br />re~ula~- hasis which included a year end accc?ut~tinb for all iten3s addre,sscd in the capital l~ad~et. <br />he Hated that the C;ou~~cil will ire 13ctter i~~fora~led i~ such it~~onnati©~~ is routinely provided try the <br />Ad~~inistratioz~. <br />March 13, ~UOG .loiut Meeting uf~ Ci]C ~'t~hfic LI'er~:.v c~; T'rc~~rerty Vacazinn Ca~nmz,i?c*t: ~ the i'eas~~~.e! & Fi~xia~~ ~~~!;~~~~ittet <br />_t~.4ee t ~~ 3- <br />