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,Toi~t~ IVl~~ta.aa~ rr~"~hc~ ~~€blic r~r~ r~arc~ ~r~p~at,~ Tlir~rrta~~ ~~r~nr~ad~te>e <br />rs~~.~ ~~i~ I~~rs~~a~~ a~~c~ ~°r'~cr~~~ ~'~a~tr~t~~ <br />--~ ~~~r~ ~~~a~tl~z 13c~~c~ ('c>~~~~r~ar~az ~'«aaracif 2f3(}C~- <br />council Ivieanber Pfeifer a2otec that the ~'ity Clerk's Office should retaaa all of floe <br />ia~aforrnatioa~ provided by the City Controller i~~. h.€;r ea~aail.s with tl~.e capital budget. <br />~Il, ~;atheria~e Farteiic~, ~:ity Coaltroller, aaoted tl-aat sbe is changing the internal process so <br />:hat there is a better data base. ~s a result irafora~~atioa~ can be provided to the Coaancil in the <br />future. <br />l~r. Varner thaaaked the ~`ontroller for responding tes all of requests t©r ac~ditioa~al <br />aa~forma.tion and. especially the additional line-item detail. <br />I~r. Varner thc;n a~aade a anotion, seconded by Council Nlea~aber V~II'aite t~aat Substitute Bill <br />No. l 3.-U6 be recoa~nn~ended favorably to Coaancil. The t~aotioaa passed. <br />4 7nder a~aiscellaneous busirae;ss, Patblic Works I~ir°ector ~arej ~'rilot noted. that part of floe <br />~-step process of providing a `-Cleaa-~ .Diver llealtl~y Neiglibsrhotad" be,gaa~ on Tanuary 1, 2~0~. <br />At the next Co€€nci.l a~aeeting there. ~viil be ara ordiaaance i-or reveazue boa~tds anal a. list of pr€a~ects <br />aa~ad appropriations.. The~l are follo~~iaag last: year's brae print involving $7.6 a~aillion, with $7.~ <br />a~raillioa~ of aaet proceeds being used for preparation of specs and projects. <br />In response to a question from C~or~.ncil President Koa.ase, l~lr. Cilot noted. that local <br />co~~tractors are i•aei.n~~ ientificd ara€~ notified of the upcoaa~ira.g project. <br />Cauracil It.~ea~aber Kirsits voiced concern abo€at the Michigan Street Bridge pedestrian <br />path. being blocked by vehicles. <br />fir. ~`gilot noted t[~at this was a state highway project, however ivlr. L.ittrel is involved grad <br />lac would tsring it to bis attentioa~. <br />iVir. 'l~}T Bancroft tl~era addressed floe jaia•at coana~aittee regaa°dine~ a noa~-payt~~aent issue on <br />the Chippewa. Street reconstruction pa~€>:ject. <br />fir. ~Tarner noted that this would tie a rraatter float should be addressed by the Board. of <br />Public ~~orks and not tl~e ~'auj~cil since the Board d€:als with such contracts directly. <br />1!~r. C"rilot stated that l~ae believes this a~aa.y lase a dispute between the general contractor aa~d <br />the sub-contractors; but would :hook ia~t€a it. <br />'l,laere being a~ao further business tea ccaarte before the joint coa~~rnittee it alas <br />adjotarned. at 4:06 <br />N~z~roh I ~, 201)0 €air~4 Meet.ule nr C}ic P~Ebl~c `4Ugr'~:a c~ i'-ropurtj vACa:ic~n `~ ornmittec ~ ~l,e 1'ersau3el aPL Fiitiat~ce ~`-o~n3sniitec <br />