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~I®irat ~1e~tir~~ ~~'t~2~ ~r~bli~ ~r~~~C~• ri~c~ ~'~r~p~rt~' ~rrcrcta~ax ~`~~~~~itte~ <br />cr~~r tl~~ ~ersr~r~r~~~ r~~r~ ~~~~rz~~ ~'r~ntr~~tt~~ <br />-`h~~e 5~crutl~ 13enr~ (.'~~r~irnca~~ _C~c~7sncrl 2(lr1~~- <br />"phe March l3, 206 ,joirst ~~teetirs~ of tl~e; Public Works and 1'xoper~y Vacatio~~ <br />C€rFrl~~ittee and the i'erso~anel and Finance Coa~~~tittee was jointly called. to order ~y i'crblic <br />Works a~7d i'ro~~erty ~'acatiorg Coi~~r;7ittee Chairperso~~, 17r. l~at•=id darnc~x and Cou~-~cil Meng%e~° <br />Charlotte D. PfeiFer, i'ersoxrnel and 1~irrance Con~n~ittee Cl~airpersor> at 3:45 p.r~~. in file Cortncil <br />ix~for~»al Meetifl~~; Roc~~7n. <br />Persons in attendance included Council Me~•nbers l~uz7ello, K~;lly, l'feit'er, White, Rol.rse <br />T3ieter, Kirsits and Varner; IVlayor Stephen 1/uecke, City ~ontxoller :lt~t. Catherine 1;anelt~~, <br />Assistant F1rL Chief` .Rick Switalski, Coin€nunity ~ 1/eono~l~ic• l~evelopn~ent C7irect€rr Sl3ar-o~i <br />Kendall; Public Wo€-ks .l~irec-tor ~aa}, C~ilot, f'axks Superintea~der~t P:hi1 St. Clair, T3uildi~l <br />Co~~n~issioner ion ro~o, I~ersonnel and l~'ir~anc~; C~i~az€ittee C•iti~el~ Me3~tbcr $liltki ~ ltttchi~~son; <br />l'ut`~lic Works and.l3roperty Vacation Co~~~~nittee CitiZLt7 ~I~:~~ber Kurt Yo>~n~s, City Clerk. 1o1~?Y <br />~Tc3orde, Jamie l~oca of tl~e .~r~~•itlz t3e~ar1 Ia•iha.rxae and. Coxrrrcil Attorney Kathleen <br />C~:ka~~ski-~~ arr~€~~trf <br />Council Met~i~er l~f~iter n®ted that tl:~e ~~~en~l;~c;rs ref the F'ersonl~el and Finance <br />Cat~~-~nittee ir~c,lude Cor~t~cil Me~~t-rers White,-K~tspa, darner, and herseif~_ ar~d Nikki ilutcl~insora, <br />Citizen. Me~rtf~er_ <br />fir. ~~arrter noted that the t~€~en~.isers g.~f the i'ulglic ~rc~rics anal 1'rol~erty ~Jacation <br />C~`on~n-~ittee include Council 11~~:t~l~ers :['tei#e'!•, Dieter. i'uzze;llo and hil~lself:, and Kurt Youngs as <br />Citizen M.e~~nber. <br />It ~~as Further rac~ted that the ;oir~t ~neetin~F of tl~e Cc~~~t~r~ittees was called to i:ontinr~e thy' <br />re~~iew Substitute Bill Nc~. l 1-(}6 ~Whie:l~ is tf~e proposed 2~ff~ capital brld~et, with the co~xtt~~ittees <br />also meeting i~~ ,joint session on Maxei~ 9, 2~(}Li. <br />Mayor Lueckc ~~ated that a s~il~stantial amount of r~aateria[ has 17een l:~ro~~ided tarn tl~e <br />Council a~~d that the discussions of last ~~Teek were bexy good.. lie rioted that a -`squeeze is <br />coning and it is sgarti~~g no~~r" as reffectcd in the reduced a~~ount asked. for capital. xreeds. <br />l~r. Varner nc~te,d that there a~as n.o line-ite~x~ for Cot~~~~csal C~~ur~cil capital ite~~ns i.€~ the <br />sd,E~~t~~tLte b1~1. <br />Mayor l,uecke stated that he does not k~~ow if the t;c~~~ncil was apprised s~f- the prracess <br />when projects were l~eirtg requested by tl~e Ad~~~inistraYion. 1 Ie noted however ghat if th€~re are <br />capital iterr~s which the Cou~~cil !seeds that an additional al~al3rog~riatio~~ ordinance cor~ld address <br />tl~enl at a later clefs. <br />Dr. ncated that he ~~=o~ald like additional inCc~r~riation p~°cavided t~~ the Council on a <br />xegula~~ basis ~vl~ich included a year e~~d ac•ccaunting Foe alI iterr~s addrtWssed ?n the capita] budget. <br />he noted that the Council. will lie better iraForn~ed if such infor~~~ation is routinety larovided ley the <br />Ad~r~in istration. <br />Nl~u-ch 13, ?(}{}f~ hint Ull;eti~~n rff tl~e Pu~~lic ~~'c>rks c~ Prc~pert< ~,'aeatiot~ 6s»~:miCtc~' & tl~e 1'+.~'so~u~el i~, finance C~~n~mifics <br />-~'a~e 1 x~t~ 3- <br />