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Council President Rouse stated that it is exciting to lie looking at all. options, especially in light <br />of the Council's fiduciary duties old finding creative ways to reduce costs of operations ~vithartt <br /> quality. <br />?~/Iayor L~€ecke stated that lie received the last draft of the inturi.ra~ ag~ree~nent far the College <br />Faatba.Il I~al1 of Fame last Friday. They axe looking at. the ptablic contribution for operations <br />expenses being reduced fro~~n ~b0~,00~ to eventually ~a'S00,~OC}; they are also looking at floe <br />capital reserve I`und. to Dave a ge>aI of ~l million in reserve. <br />At this point, Council 11~leanber I3ieter•joined the meeting. <br />The Mayor stated that he was "sorry that the process has taken so long <br />f7r. Vara~er noted that tlae second agreement had a provision that if the Hall left that the; City <br />world be obligated to return. X1.9 million, and ingr~ired whether a similar provision would be in <br />the new agree~r-ent. lie also inquired. what guarantees there are fi-on~ tl3e N~`F on an annual. basis. <br />1`vlavor l~uecke stated that the~~~ have included similar language if the Fall ceases operations. he <br />added that there are no guarantees. l~Iaycrs- Luecice stated that the priorities are t~~r capital such as <br />r-aaf; heating, air-conditionitrg, structural damage; and the; 'Zd draw woedd be far exhibitory such <br />as new exhibits ar expansion of existing exhibits. Aranuai upgrades of exhibitory evould not 17~e <br />eligible far a draw fro~xr the professional developrrze~~t funds. <br />I~r. Varner inquired whether t~TSB, Inc. made a financial contribution to the I-fall <br />Mayor Luecke stated that they did contribute far the Rc~ckne statute. <br />f.~r. ~arrrer stated that "the devi.I i.s in the details". Ike noted that contracts have never been <br />approved by the South Bend Cor~~r~an Council; and Ire questioned the funding related to the <br />contracts. I-]e is drafting questions fo~~ tfae Indiana Attorney Creneral to address ia. tlri.s area, and <br />once he receives a response he will share that infar~nation with the Ceauncil_. -kie voiced e€~nce;rrtas <br />about M:r. Fallon's corninents in the past that he _just sees thc~ C'outreil as paying the bills. 1-le; <br />noted that it has bee~~ fifteen (l 5 }years, and lzzelieves that there are cerntractual issues which <br />geed to be addressed. <br />l0~layor auec;ke stated that tl~e Nl~l~ leas raised ~nanc,y through the Legend .l;uncheons and perhaps <br />they have not shared ezrough information with the Council. an those types of activities. Ike stated <br />that they have a good working relationship with Rick: ~al.l.s and. with. the r~ew _Nl't~' 1'r€~si~Ien.t. <br />The Mayor stated that they are trying tri relieve the tax burden. <br />I~r. Varner stated that I~.e betieve;s that they situation needs to Ise clarified and that is ~vl~.y irc. i.s <br />going- to the ACs's office, since Council approval rsf tl~e contract and. its Fr~ancial corx~~nitr~ler~t <br />leas never been. sought. He added that he l~e;lieve:s that the ~FI~ needs to play a larger financial <br />role. <br />Y~h}2C C~x~nnittc~ `l[~?'ch I3,'(3(}6 -1't~;~e 2 of 3- <br />