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Pare eea~>~nB ltr ~ ~ranen A~ ~~te~ <br />-2tIUG S<7itth Rei~ci Connncz~~ (;ouncil- <br />The March l3, ?l~~; ~~seeting of the l~arl<s, arts, 1~ecreation and Ctisitttre ~#'~RC) Cosnsnittee t~fas <br />called to order by C;ouncii Mes~sber l~nrs Pt~zzello at 3: t 5 p,sn. in the Crauncil l.nfors~sal Meeting <br />Room. <br />Persons in attendance isaclts.ded Council. M:eiaabers White, 1'uzzello, Rouse, Kelly and; <br />t'ARC Citizen Mei~her Char:yes A. Shocl~, Mayor Stephen l..;ueclce, City Controller .M.. Katherine <br />t~anello, Executive Director of tl~e L3epartnlent of C:os~~nunity and. llconos~sie 1'3evelop~nent <br />Depart~~nent Sharon l~endall, Residesstial Neighborhoods Citizen Mes~nber Maflrtha t~ewis, Mars. <br />~opola, City Clerlt iohn. Voorde, .la~nie l,oo of the ~~ourda 13c~~acd Ii•ih2rne and l~athleen <br />Cekanski-f~arrand, Council ~.ttorney. <br />Council Ivlesnl~er Puzzel.lo noted. that the men~.hers of the Cosr~mittee isaclude its C:hairpersos~, <br />Council Member Dieter who is cosn~nitted doing his police duties; Vice-Chairperson, Council <br />Member Kuspa, ~nrho is recovering from recent surgery; Council Mednl-sei- Kirsits and herseli~, <br />along with citizen member Charles A. Shock. <br />Courscil Me»ber Puzzeilo doted that the a-nc;eting was called far receive an s.apdate fros~ the City <br />~tdsninistration on tine Director €~(` Centuxy Center/Morris/Palms Royale and. a~~ update frogs the <br />City Adt~sinistration on the C-oilege t~ootball Hall ofFas~se eontrac#. <br />May®r Luec,lce stated that. he would address both topics. Ire his State of the City Address he <br />stated that he ~~rould be i~~terestecl €n looking at coirsl~ining the lead.ershi.p positions t®r the <br />C entu~~y C'enteriMor~-islPalais Royale and tha# tl-sere have been disc~~ssions ~,~~itla the <br />Center Board of Managers. Tl~es-e s~~ay be son7e "good things" ~vlsich cone out o9' such. a <br />consolidation, however they are not currently ready to take that step. The Mayor noted that <br />Sandy L,ee has also resigsled. <br />l~s-. Varner noted. that olte~~ peolale locsk at "protecting each person's tort", and. that there is <br />concern about fewer ~ositioris if there wosild be a coml~inatio~~. <br />Tl~e 1l~layor stated that there is an opportunity for the city and laving the sales forces <br />together as opposed. to being in eos~spetition i~rith one another would be beneficial. <br />City Cierlf ~~hn Voorde noted that the Indiana league of tVfunicipal Clerks and "freassarers <br />convention ill be in South fiend this Spring and that all ttsree (.3) facilities will be ~~sed to show <br />off South 13e~d. <br />Council I~!ieiriher Wi~itc. inquired about the ti.n~e fras~ne: for the search and whether it s~~ill be <br />national i~~ scope. <br />Manor f:uecl~e stated that it will be a national search howe~fer he did not kno~~r tl~e tine fras~se. <br />Ike stated in response to a question fi-osrs ~`ouncil Me:~~nber Puzzello that then are also looking ~~t <br />an interim directorship. <br />i'riPtC ~;onvili![~c iv3arch 13; ?Of)f -1'a~r. i ut ~- <br />