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<~~a~rrt ~~I~et~rag ~~ t~r~ ~'~l~llc ~r°~s errrc~ .~rc~,~~~~, l>cr~€i7tisl~r ~'~r~~~t~~ <br />crrr Ire ~~~s~~rrr~J rr~rf ~'an~rt.~~ ~'~rrazrzr~~t`~~ <br />-~'~ae ~~St,r~lda t~enca' ~'~~~rz~s~zr~r~a C,~~unc;al 20~)~.~ <br />also. Thy: ~b7(},~~~} proposed appropriatia~~~ is z€~r acc~~airin~; right-s~i-=way ar~d e€~nstra~cti€~n c~~~ tie <br />5-)arse Niichi~an street by the ~`~ ?Lt Bypass. <br />In response to a q~.~estion frotr~ C:ot~trcil Iv~e~nbe~- parz~ell€~, ~~~. C~ilot stated that ~ddv <br />Street is nsw a ~Cfll(} n~atci^S frc~~n the federal. ~overnme~~t; with i.t c~ri~inatly l~ein~,~ d.~)~}%, <br />[l~r. Cailot added that ua~der tivrater at~d sewer itprc~`~eanents the city has pay-aa-you-~c~, as <br />well. as revenue fonds in order to pay for the C~C3 long-teran control plan. <br />The C'itw~ Csntr€~ller then reviewed the l~-pale d€~cu~Y~ent ~~rhicl~ provides additional. <br />s€~for~a~.atiot~ onJ each €sf the regsaested appropriatior-s ~,c€~p~' attac'[~aed). the added t(~at l~r, <br />darner"s regrtested inf4~r~r~ation f~ron~ tl~e ?f)~3~ capital l~ud~et ar~d tl~.e ?f70~ capital bad~et were <br />sent is of I ~ne~nt~ers of the C`€~nncil by~ el~ai (. <br />The Coa~e~ci3 Attorney voted that she l~riel~y tallce€l with tl°Fe City Controller price- to this <br />joint co~na~ittee .[neetin~ w.itih regard to Council Meartber l7ieter's meraro noting that 2,717,?70 <br />from the 2~}[3~ capita.) bs.~d~et were car~celedh~ot needed, etc. and that `,n 993,b~(} fro~~a the 2(}C}~ <br />capital l~ud~et were ca~~acel.edl~lot needed a.nd lre ~latestio;~ed il' tl~e Con~~nora Coa-r~cil ever <br />receirred an update as tcs wl~y. liis ~n.e~no alss abort the Cor~ncil 'not having a lure-ite~~~ <br />and the ChocoEa 3nonies. (n~e~n€a attacl~ed3. <br />Council )'resident l~oazse sa~~gested that the City Controller address all of those concerns <br />s€a that th.e Corancil has the in_~or~-r~atton ley next Mc~r~day's ic~int con~~~~ittee aneetita~. €~e <br />notid that City Cl€;rl: ~ohr~ Voorde had writte~~ a o~~e-page letter aborat capital ite~~ns for his <br />office. <br />"l~l~e City Controller stated that tha~ee i,3} vendors cane in last year on doctarnent <br />i~nagingi`n~anaaerne.~tt. That inl`or~}~atior~ is l:~eirr~ evalarated so that there would be con~patit~il.ity <br />for all departments. the rested. that ~7 ~ ,t;(}l} i.s proposed. for this to the Zt}l~6 capital budget. <br />t~s is the Chocola monies, since overtime co~~es froa~a the General ~~u~~d these n~o~~ies <br />~vou[d be recei.pted as rniscella.neoars revenue hacl: to the General. Fund. <br />Mayor lllrecl4e stated that if needed an appropriation. ordinance csaald ca~x~e before the <br />Coa€t~cil for th.r~se ans3a~ies. lie added that tl~e County has requested: that: monies lie l~tadgeted #o <br />help pay for the security wards in tl~e Count~l-City I3uildin~; as veil as 1`or tl~e a~pgrades in <br />techr~.olc3hrv in tli.e Council Cha]nl}ers. <br />C€auncil Meir~ber ~'feifer s~a~r€;ested that if tl~e City Controller can provide any <br />information to those gc~€;stions ~~y email prior t€~ M€~nda~~'s ~nee:ting; that sloe would r~pprec;iate it. <br />In response to a €~Iaaestion from Coarr€cil Memlaer Pfeifer, Mr. Gi.lot Noted that Carncast <br />has entered into a l5-year lease vvitl~ tl~e city «~herelay tl~e city receives revenue of 5°~iD each year. <br />~'~rroh ~3, ?C10ti f~~inr fVleetiri~ ot` i3~U f,'u~~[ic ~a€1s K i'go~ar4Y tJ acatinn Cootizni cc ~~ tl~e 1'ars~tf~~el c~ Fintrns.~ C's».tin~il4~o -yy <br />