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.I~i~at I~e~t~~a~ r~~'tJi~ .~r~6~ac° 'rj~#cs ~~~ ~'r°ra~~r~~~ ~'~cr~t~~aa ~~rrerr~attc~~ <br />ri~ac~ tl~;~ ~~r°t~r~r~~~ r~rzr~ 'ir~~a~rae ~`cr~er~rtt~r~ <br />-1"~te ~r~ut~~a l~~~c~ ~~'€~rnr~~t~~a ~'d~arr~acil 2~It~b- <br />tuoa~rre;il Ivie~~~b~:r 1'fe;ifer stated that the police tale ho~~e ca~° prog~-a~r~ began ender Police <br />~;hief C.'un~~. She stated teat neighbors are askixsg 1~er al~o~I.t the prograsxs and she believes that it <br />we~uld be a goad tilr~e to eval~s.ate the pr®gra>•:~. <br />I`~'la~or I~~eecl:e stated that the prograsxr is va.lual7le since €t provides ars ~tdditior-al presence <br />in the r~eighl~orhoods. `l'ire prograa3~ saves tinse wirers there are sl~itt charEges; it saves on t1~e wear <br />and tear of the vehicles; a~~d the vehicles are, isow tlje s~l~fECer's oI~4'i.t;es in l.i.ght of the additional <br />e€luipnrent t'rorra co~~puters to video cat eras. `l'ire 1Viayor added. teat t~-~he~s gasoline prices <br />started to increase teat tl~.e l~C~p sr~€e~x~bership vol.~•~taril.v c.ut bac;~: o?~ I.~sa~;e a('the vehic3e when <br />ors personal ti~-ne.; r-otisrg teat that usage, was ~egin~~i~~~ to creep ~-p. <br />t=;or~rscii ~~le~rsber ~11~tte stated t!~at sloe heel r~:ceived an esnaii firo~~~ ~~fficer Walsh a~~d <br />that as a result slle has called a meeting of the; I-lealtts aid l"u1~3ic Safety ~on--n~ittee to gurther <br />discuss the tale horrie ear prograre~. <br />~eauncil. Mc;n-sber Vvhite inquired about lice ~1C~,t1t~CI prr~posc;d expenditure for ilia skate <br />park. Bill ~:a~-letc~n rioted that rr~orsies would be: rased to enhal~ce the obstacles. l--le added irs <br />response: to a clttestie~r frc?~:n I7r. Warner that the :fitness ecluipn~ent dollars are fos- tl7e cease <br />payments for the eclui.l~s~lent that is already (here. <br />council Me~~-aber p~zzello questioned evl~sether there eves a sav~inl;s to the city an sett, <br />gasoline and cs'vertin~e ill 3igl~t of tl~e ~~ild evinter. l~r. ~~ilot stated that there has been, however <br />the season eves not over. <br />dire Chietl,utl~~er Taylor rioted that tl~e se€bstit€rte bill i~~cludes the ~SI,t3t30 from a grant <br />to fursd turnout gear and. ecltsipt~aent for the departn~e~~t. <br />In response to a elr~estion tr€~~~ I~r_ `t~arr~er, Mayor Luecke stated that I~TSE3, lrsc. receives <br />finds fi-c~n~ C'tr3tT and .fly fdr thei€• general operati~rg e:~penses. <br />~`ouncil. President Douse stated that. l~'fSl3, Inc. would be cog~rir~g back to lire Council in <br />tl~e near future to provide additio~~~l i~~fo~~natio~~ on ~1. <br />~'ouncil Member l?tzzzello noted that us•~der ilia L~eneral laund there is >an as?~o>..snt .listed of <br />~75,O~t3 a.xrd under CQIT there is ar an~o~srsi listed of `~5(?C3,~(}0 4or the ]~ortl~east I~teight~orhocrcl, <br />evhich slse believes is irscorreet. T~€e €`ity Controller stated that both. of those listings slroraid be <br />for NN12C3 instead. <br />In response to an inquiries froi~s. I~r. ~7arner, '~1Ir. Cailc7t noted that all cif tie ~Tooc1. <br />Neighborsr'~ood Neiglrl~c~rhoods dollars are used each yea~~. f7e also noted tl>at ~redericksor~ <br />parr is about done. "They now have a partnership €-elatioE~ with tl~e 13oy 'scouts and are utilizing <br />z~.onies for tl~e 4~nal re~~sediation euhich is required. `l'l~e old Sears l3rtilding will lie retrsoved <br />iWfarcSi 9, 2(IUF~ .#oitii Meeti~~ of the Pui?lic ~'«. ks L.: I'~otaerto~ 'v acati~~rt Cam~t~itte~ le tl~c ('crsnnnci ~ 1~ ii~airce lartnnrittee <br />-C'~~1e ~ .,f~- <br />