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u~fftie~ Commf~tee <br />2(i~fi Souih ]3end Con}ninia C:ouaicii <br />The February 27, 2006 of the E itilities Co~nn~ittee was called to order by its Chairperson, <br />Council Member ?it "Duddy" Kirsits at x:29 p.rr~. in the Council Informal. R~eeting Roo~n_ <br />.Persons in attendance included Council Merr~bers T3ieter, Pfeifer, Puzzello, Varner, Kuspa, <br />Trite, Kelly, Kirsits and. Rouse; Utilities Citizen Merr~ber Gene Pendl, Martha Lewis, Director <br />of Public Works Gary Gilot, Rita Kopala,Jepart~r~ent of Co~n~raunity and Econo~x~ic <br />®evelopra~ent l~xecutive L~irect<ar Sharon Kendall, City Clerk John Voorde, John Stancati, Jamie <br />Loo of the ~Sr.~uth 13e~acf "1't~il~~,rnc~ and Kathleen Cekanski-Farrand, Council ~ttortrey. <br />C~'out~.cil Member I~irsits noted that Co~nrnittee Metrabers include Council ~e~nbers Puzzello; <br />I~uspa, Pfeifer and himself anal he weicotned citizen rrten~ber Gene Pendl. <br />Council Merx~ber I~irsits then called for a presentation on Bill No. 08-06 which would a~er~d <br />Crdinar~ce No. 9561-05 which established a new schedule of rates and charges for services <br />rendered by the City of South Bend Water Wor]<s and would further amend Chapter 1.7, Article <br />4, Sections L7-45 and t~-46 of the ~5'oulh I3e~ac.~ li~azraic~i~al f'r3c~~. <br />John Stancati, Water Works Dir°ector, anode tl~e presentation. fie noted that the Indiana. Utility <br />Regulatory Cor~ntnission ~IURC'1 issued an Crder on February ~, 2006 which approved the rates <br />requested by the city with some a~nodil~ications. lie stated that the approved rates vaere trade <br />subject to a future east of service study. Tl~e rates set forth in Bill No. 08-06 are l.I% lower <br />than tl~e rates approved ley the Council when it passed E~rdinance No. 956I-05- <br />In response to a question fro3n Dr. Varner, Mr. Stancati stated that the courts away .not overrule <br />the IIJItC and that them still is pending litigation. <br />In response to a question from Council Mea~nbcr White, Nlr. St~tncati stated that floe cost of <br />service study will take approximately six (b) ir,ontl~s and will cost between S25,OOtl to ~~0,0Elfl. <br />I~r. Varner voiced concern over the potential cost of the study noting that Mr. Skutnp oC Crowe <br />Chi7ek argued on behalf of the original rate increases and that it should "not be a great deal" to <br />set forth the written docun--ents. <br />Mr. Stancati stated that the study araust lie very detailed. <br />l~llr. Gilot added that the engitaeering and frnanci.ak data must be tied together as part of the study. <br />In response to a question froth Citizeta M:enzber Pendl, Mr. Stat3cati n.oteci that the charges are <br />based on a n~initnutn of ] 00,000 cubit feet used and then. the meter size charges are added. <br />Following discussion, Cout~ci.l Nteinber I`uspa t~~ade a ta~aotion, seconded by Council Me~nbc:r <br />Puzzello that Bill No. 08-06 be recotx~anended favorably to Council. The motion passed. <br />hchruar~ 27, 2U~)fi [7tila[ics Ci3maltitfiee cat the 2t1f?( south Fiend Cami~on Coiutcil -3'a~e ] t;1~2 - <br />