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Mr. Bill Sehalliol of the Department of Co~n~~nunity and EconnE~nie Development anade the <br />presentation. Th.e current property owners are the Redevelopment Co~n~nissio~~, RGl <br />lnvestn~ents anal Ray~~ond & Dorothy Unruh.. He showed a site plan of tl~e proposed business <br />de`~eloprr~e-at. <br />~n response to a question frorr- Mr. Talley, Mr. Schallinl stated that this development is not <br />indicative of things to happen to the golf course, and tf~at Ersl~ine Golf Course will remain a golf <br />course. <br />Tyler Crlenn noted that he is a financial advisor who proposed the development concept to Mr. <br />Schallial. <br />F'oll.owing discussion, Couxacil Member Dieter made a trtotion, seconded by Council Men-~ber <br />Kirsits #hat Substitute Bill No. 93-(l5 be reenrn~nended favorably to Council. The ~~otinn passed. <br />Under inisceIlaneaus ht~siness, the Council Attorney noted that the Council has received a <br />requested to appeal. the denial of a certificate of appropriateness for praper#y on Portage Avenue. <br />She noted that the appeal process i_s gove~~~ed by the Mttzaicipal Code and. that sloe has. provicl:ed a <br />mez~orandu~n to Council Metnber Kuspa and President Rouse nn the procedures. <br />Following discussion. Council Member White made a motion, seconded by Council Meanber <br />Dieter to recom~~end that the appeal of the Historic Preservation Cojn~~ission denial be set for <br />the Council meeting of March 27, 20~b. T`he ~nr~tion passed. <br />Council Member Kuspa asked Mr. Fozo to check whether a used Gar lat is 17eing operated at the <br />corner of Western anal Olive. <br />Coti2ncil Member Pfeifer noted that that area is duithin a Weed & Seed axea, and that the residents <br />do not want another used car to#. <br />Council Member Kuspa then adjourned the Cornanittee meeting at 3:28 p.~n. <br />Respectfully sub~n~tted, <br />.-- ._ ~ <br />Council Meanlaer Ervin Kuspa, Chairperson <br />Zoning and Annexation Co~nznittee <br />KCl~ :kmf <br />Attachments <br />Iebsiaru 27, 2t30b Z.anin~ and Aavtevatian {;ora~mittee uFthe 2x46 South Send Crnmm~n Council Page 3 of 3- <br />