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A third-party verified systet~ is being ~rarked on ley the. Legal ~~epart~~ent for pay~~enf by credit <br />c.a~-d. ~"l~e~-e would lie nc~ fee to tl~e custo~~er far this set~~ice. Automatic debit is ~~ot set up at tl~e <br />current tune, lout is lacing dis~:ussed- <br />Council 1~/iea~ber deter s~zggested that a form for heat tips for loud stereos and ether .noise <br />viol.ati~ras be created. ~~' alsea suggested that the Councila~-anic district maps be includ~:d. <br />Ccautacil Mera~ber ~'fei#er sraggested that a}icy grading requests lie added tca the "Contact t.~s" <br />format. Sloe also suggested that the individua3 district a~~ag be included far each C~auncii <br />member's page. <br />In ~•espor&se tc~ an inr~uiry from Council. l~tet~ber white; it was r-oted that the Council's page <br />would be tw~a ~Zl c(icl`s from the city's hoanepage. <br />fir, darner noted that he is ccanc~erraed that i~~[®rknati~s~~ not be host and tl~ai infcssst~ation be <br />aecessilale at a later date. <br />gent Cr~t-ninins stated that t:he ~nrebsite is t~t~eant to be informative and dya~amic. <br />l~~aycsr f,uecke suggested that each Caur~cii Ivleanl~er a~ad tl~e Council Attorney be givers acc;~:ss tc~ <br />the draft pages of t11e Council. <br />l:~r_ ~Iarner thanked everyone far the r-pd.ate, encouraged the Council to review the draft pages sca <br />that. there could be furtl~ur discussion of the needs of the Council i~~ this area, and. then adjourned <br />the n~ri~eting at ~:[D3 p.n~. <br />Respectfully submitted., <br />_.. <br />Cnur~.crf~~fem.ber David Varner, Cl~€aarperss~n <br />lnfon~atican and `I~ecl~r~calc~~~1 Coa~naittee <br />I~CF:ksraf <br />Attach~~~ents <br />Info~'matior~ and 'recl~rro4o~y C'omixrattee I~eetir~~ at 3arruary ?_i, "~JG -Page 2 of 2- <br />