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~nfor~t~® ~~d ~Gh~~il~g ~om~ttel~ <br />ZQQG Sou~~ T3es~d C'un~rtcin f'a~~cil <br />The ,lanuar~~ 23, 2C~Ofi rneetir~~ of tl~e lnforrrtation and ~ eclrrolo~~y Corntrritta:e was called to <br />order by its Chairperson, Cot~rtcil 3~erxtl~er David. Va~nc.r at 3:1.5 p.rn. in the Couneil lrrfortnal <br />1Vleeting l~oorn. <br />l~ersor~s in attendance included Council 1Vlerrrbers Ptr~zello, .l~ttspa, louse, Vetoer, t'feifer, <br />belly; White and Dieter; ~tla.yor Siepher~ ,T. l~uecke, City Controller C° ~a~aell~, <br />lxecr.ztive Director ~~ the Cornrnrrnity ~ ~~corrotn.ic Developtn.errt Departrnertt Sharon l~endall, <br />Csty Clerl`.:lohrr Vonrde, lt~artha l~ewis, fir. l~s~polay l3rer~t +C:tunrnir~s, .Tan~ie lJoo of the ~~c>rrt'f~ <br />f3errc~' ]~{ib~.rne, and Kathleen C.ekatrsl~i-Farrand, C`o~tncil. Attorney. <br />I3r. Varner opened the rneetin~; noting that the City Administration is close to tanveilir~~ a r-te~v <br />city website. 1.-1e noted that sine the C©r~.ncil vas last updated approximately 1. ~I2 years ado on <br />this prQ~ect that there bras been a "vast i.rnpraverner~t'". l~le then invited tyre Cite Adn~rinistratior~ <br />to n~r.ak.e their presentation. <br />City Controller ~. Catherine t-0a~-~~llo stated that tl~e City Administration is in the process o~ <br />finalizing tl~e city's ~uebsite in the next three (-3,l weeks. She noted that- the r~ew eraaail address <br />will include: l~ando~tts were th~:n provided try the Cornrnittee ~~'opy attached) <br />and sl3e introduced Brent Curnrnin~;s frort~ lrnformation ~ ~'eclrnolog'~l wh© then presented <br />power point presetrtation as set forth. in the. handout. Be; noted arl~ong other things that the <br />"spcrtligllt cantent" comes fror-n the depart~~rents on a random basis. Lead stories would be <br />etztered by each departrrren€ witkt the stories staying until another one is er.~tered. Niikki l~~obski. <br />5chidler will be the key persr~n in the. area for the City Administration. <br />~'he City Controller noted that there is an approval process tcs lie followed l,y each department, <br />~,vitl~ thy; tttrtr-around tune being; rnonits~red l~gj thv "editor' for each. departtner~t. <br />Brent C'unamins noted that all lead stories rvcrt~ld be searcl•table, noting that document imaging is <br />rre~t availat~lc currently anc~ would be addressed "dc~wr~ the road" PDI~ formats would also lie <br />searchable. <br />~:r~ttertaintnertt. wetasites such as ~;entury Center, barks, etc. would keep tl3.eir external ~vetasi.tes <br />and wortld be linl.ed to the; city's website. <br />It vas suggested that Brent could have a session with e:aclr C'c~uncil erx~l~er to update ea€;h ref <br />their pages under a "reviseilogir~'" procedore. <br />~t was noted. that flee city's web site was designed by Crow t_~`hizelc and another- c~ot~.paray. <br />New on-lire features will include licensing, payr~rents for code enforcement violatians; utility <br />payments, receiving a ce3r~sun~.ptiorr and payment history of utiliti:esY etc. <br />Ear. Varner- serggested that a sir~glc; ~'3N be considered itr ~~rder try register for such downloadable <br />features. <br />ti~to~~ntatia~n a~1d "~`ecl~nolc~~y Canineittee ILteetan~ of January 2 ~. ?ot)6 -P~ge i ref 2 <br />