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Boards and Commissions Appointees. We transitioned in hiring a new Council Attorney. We <br /> have also hosted eleven(11)budget hearing sessions. <br /> He continued, Moving forward we want to improve our messaging with citizens. We are looking <br /> at maybe holding Committee meetings on off-nights from our regular Council meetings but we <br /> have to look at having the right technology for that,taking into account ADA as well as security. <br /> We are in the process of acquiring everything we need for that. We are trying to improve our <br /> accessibility to the Council District Map. We are in the process of completing our active shooter <br /> training and that is coming up shortly. We are also leveraging a paid internship for <br /> communication and messaging. We are only point three-six percent (.36%) of the entire City <br /> Budget. Roughly eighty-seven percent(87%) of our budget accounts for fringe benefits, <br /> professional services and salaries. We are a fairly lean group with regard to our budget. The <br /> increase for Council salaries are two percent(2%). In the line-item it is stated at twenty-five <br /> percent (25%) but that is because all nine (9) members are now taking salaries. In the past there <br /> have been members that have not taken their salary. That is also reflected in our fringe benefits. <br /> There are two (2) additional Councilmembers that are taking benefits that didn't last year. We <br /> have $125,619 allocated for our legal services and that is mainly regarding the tapes. <br /> City Clerk <br /> Kareemah Fowler, South Bend City Clerk with offices on the 4th floor of the County-City <br /> Building, stated, Our mission is to ensure integrity, accuracy of City records and liaise between <br /> the Common Council,the City Administration and residents to foster relationships and common <br /> ground. We accomplish this mission by serving as responsible stewards of information and <br /> historical artifacts. We empower community engagement to support open and transparent <br /> government while striving for the highest degree of excellence in customer service. She showed <br /> a chart in the presentation(available in the City Clerk's Office) that depicted the roles and <br /> responsibilities of each member of the Clerk's Office staff. She continued, We are support staff <br /> for the Councilmembers because they are part-time. In 2017 we launched a system called <br /> Granicus. That is a City Boards and Commission software and we share that cost with the City <br /> Administration. That has been very successful. We also are in the second phase of the Fast Track <br /> Initiative. We have been working closely with the Common Council on that and other City <br /> Departments. We think that has been going very well. We completed the indexing of Historical <br /> Data. We digitized all City records from 1865 to present date. We began live-streaming the <br /> Council meetings on YouTube and Facebook as well as created an opt-in email distribution list <br /> for residents to receive emails from the Clerk's Office. We launched an internship program. We <br /> hosted a fellow from Myanmar and showed them how municipal government works in the <br /> United States. Along with the Common Council we launched our Art Display program. We <br /> completed our branding for the Clerk's Office. We began working on the Knowledge Based <br /> Articles. We also have the ability to complete verbatim legal transcript minutes. This year we <br /> had our first annual Boards and Commissions training for appointees. We completed Standard <br /> Operating Procedures for all members in the Clerk's Office. <br /> She went on, We have many goals for 2018. We plan to complete the Fast Track Initiative. We <br /> continue to look at ways to move toward a paperless Municipal Code as well as create the ability <br /> for electronic filing. We are working with the Council, IT and other City departments to figure <br /> 2 <br />