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approximately every seventy-two (72) years with the total amount we allocate for paving in the <br /> budget every year. Am I misinterpreting that? <br /> Ms. Banicki stated, VPA is asking for the lease of that$600,000 vehicle over five (5) years. Has <br /> anyone gone to Elkhart to try and wheel and deal with them to see if they could do a partnership? <br /> What happens if we don't agree to the vehicle? How many people do we have out,daily,picking <br /> up animals and working on that? <br /> Councilmember Tim Scott arrived at the meeting at 5:21 p.m. <br /> Mr. Bognar stated, When Tax Incremental Financing came in, it was said to have the ability of <br /> being used for improvements on things like sidewalks, sewers, lighting, and curbs. A lot of the <br /> City area is a TIF District. I understand when new projects are done that new lights are put in and <br /> that Light Up South Bend is doing well, but I am concerned that the majority of the lights in the <br /> City are AEP-owned. I think it is important we have funds coming from many different places. <br /> We don't have a way to consolidate everything we are doing. Has the Department looked at a <br /> way to consolidate all the funding for the lights? It seems like there are bits and pieces in place, <br /> but no consistency. When projects are done, we don't have any consistency with the lighting. <br /> There needs to be more money added to this.Not necessarily from the City, but there needs to be <br /> a strategy on the basic maintenance of the majority of lights that we have. There is nothing <br /> wrong with the lamppost program. Could we incentivize using TIF Funds? <br /> Mr. Horvath replied, We do have an updated and ongoing paving list. That list is based on the <br /> condition of the roads we look at. We have what is called a PASER Rating that gives us the <br /> conditions of the roads and we prioritize as a result of the rating. Unfortunately, we don't have <br /> enough money to do all of the ones in poor condition. We have about 2,200 lane-miles in the <br /> City and we do somewhere between twenty(20) and twenty-five (25) lane-miles a year with City <br /> crews. That is $550,000 in the Local Roads and Streets Fund for paving material. In addition to <br /> that there are costs for staff. We have started to look at the program and have tried to find ways <br /> to give us additional life out of pavement. When a road gets really bad sometimes there is no <br /> other way to do it but tear out the entire thing and re-pave. More often than not,we mill off the <br /> top inch and a half or two (2) inches and resurface the street. We are also doing more crack <br /> sealing and other pavement rehabilitation stuff throughout the City. Although we only do twenty <br /> (20)to twenty-five (25) lane-miles,that does not include all of the other projects we are doing <br /> where we get either grant money or federal aid money. We have been pretty successful in the <br /> past couple of years in getting both. <br /> He continued, We do have a new app that our crews use as they are doing the paving. They <br /> update it in real-time. It shows a map and segments the projects that are in the queue. We are <br /> doing our best to be sure it is accurate and up to speed. <br /> Mr. Perri replied, We have been hearing a lot of good feedback regarding the vehicle. That is a <br /> Mobile Recreation Vehicle that would go throughout neighborhood parks. It attempts to <br /> accomplish two (2)main things. The first would be to address the issue of equity. We often hear <br /> about parks when people point out how a certain park has this and why a different park doesn't <br /> have that. In reality, we can't install everything in every park. The unique solution to that would <br /> 3 <br />