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City. We look forward to receiving an ASE Blue Seal certification that has to do with certifying <br /> technicians and mechanics. In order to receive that we need seventy-five percent(75%) of the <br /> mechanics certified and we are currently at fifty percent(50%). We do offer an incentive if they <br /> get it as there is a little more pay offered. We look to add two (2)more outside customers. Our <br /> two (2)-way radio communication services has over 1,300 radios that need to be maintained. We <br /> have five (5) City-owned towers we need to keep up with. We need a technician on-call for <br /> twenty-four(24)hours a day. <br /> He went on, We have many accomplishments for our Department. We put additional antennas on <br /> all the Public Safety vehicles for the new 911 Center. There were about three hundred (3 00) <br /> additional antennas we had to install. All staff at Central Services had Lean Six (6) Sigma <br /> training centered on improving our processes internally. We looked at the internal phone lines <br /> and with the new 911 Center, a lot of those dedicated services through AT&T will save $360,000 <br /> a year eliminating dedicated phone lines. We did tower safety improvements. We also became <br /> certified in the Blueprint Siren System on all our police cars. The Police Department has a lot of <br /> portable radios that are getting old and they need to be maintained and will be replaced in the <br /> near future. We look to add two (2) more outside customers. A challenge we face is keeping our <br /> internal operating cost at sixty-four dollars an hour($64/hr)to our internal customers. If they <br /> were to contract a service out it would be approximately one hundred and twenty-eight dollars an <br /> hour($128/hr). We are now getting a Facilities Manager and we need to do an inventory of the <br /> buildings and grounds we have, including parking lots. We are centralizing building <br /> maintenance. We have two hundred and twenty(220) overhead doors in the City and we need to <br /> consolidate the maintenance of those doors. We have thirty-two (32) City-owned generators in <br /> the City. We acquired a new Purchasing Manager and those programs have started. He then <br /> briefly overviewed the slide of the presentation depicting the goals and challenges of those <br /> programs. <br /> Ms. Hockenhull stated, I asked all the Departments to address specific questions held in the <br /> budgeting workshops. We had over one hundred(100) questions. She then briefly went over a <br /> few slides in the presentation that depicted answers to a few of these questions. <br /> Committee Chair White then opened the floor to members of the public. With Committee Vice <br /> Chair Gavin Ferlic's absence, Committeemember Regina Williams-Preston was appointed by <br /> Committee Chair White to preside over the remainder of the meeting. She then left the meeting <br /> at 6:26 p.m. <br /> Committeemember John Voorde asked, What policies do we have when we purchase things and <br /> whether or not they should come from local vendors? <br /> Mr. Chlebowski replied, We do look at that but we do not have a policy. By law you usually <br /> have to go with the lowest bid. Often times it is not the local dealer. <br /> Committeemember Voorde followed up, What other factors go into awarding a bid? <br /> Mr. Chlebowski replied, There are specifications in these bids for the quality. Once you specify <br /> for the quality and the bid meets that standard, you are pretty much locked in with the lowest <br /> bidder. <br /> 8 <br />