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few projects our Sustainability Office is involved in. We are moving toward a few electric <br /> stations to allow electric vehicles to charge. The greenhouse reduction strategy is also underway. <br /> We have a WorkSmart Committee where we interface with all the departments in the City and <br /> train employees to be more efficient in how they manage their own office spaces and physical <br /> environment,with the goal of creating a culture of sustainability in the City. We are also <br /> involved in supporting initiatives such as biking, walking,transit and other mobility and <br /> accessibility projects. We are looking at an AmeriCorps program to provide volunteers to low- <br /> income properties to provide assistance for weatherization and teach individuals how to be more <br /> efficient in how they use their energy. We are also looking at small consulting projects where we <br /> can provide assistance to different departments for HVAC lighting services like solar. The <br /> Streets and Sewers Division is involved in a number of activities. As of today, we have <br /> completed fourteen point three (14.3) miles of main roads paved throughout the City. We expect <br /> the total number at the end of the year to be about twenty-eight miles (28). As a reference point, <br /> we have about two thousand two-hundred (2,200) lane miles in the City, so there is a lot to <br /> cover. We use an industry-standard rating system where we rate the condition of all the <br /> pavement and we are able to prioritize the top fifteen(15) or sixteen (16) miles based on that. <br /> There is now available a map at which allows residents to see <br /> the condition of the work in their block or on their street,but also City-wide. Our sweepers have <br /> completed one (1) round throughout the City. Our Traffic and Lighting office is focused on <br /> converting many of the street lights into LED for greater efficiency. We have completed about <br /> fifty-nine (59) so far with ninety (90) left to be done. They also provide support for events. Our <br /> Sewer team has been busy since our heavy rain in August 2016 with a number of digs. We have <br /> also completed approximately two thousand eight-hundred (2,800) feet of sidewalk and another <br /> two thousand seven-hundred (2,700) feet of curb projects. <br /> Mr. Kain briefly discussed the Department's MBH revenue and expense, primarily referencing <br /> the graph depicted in the presentation. He stated, You will notice the revenue increased in 2018 <br /> due to the gas tax increase, and that will result in approximately $1.4 million coming in to the <br /> fund, and that will allow us to do more paving. It will also help support our work on traffic <br /> signals. Our Solid Waste fleet has been converted to CNG and will continue to do that over the <br /> next couple of years. We have been converting a majority of our City to front-side garbage pick- <br /> up. There are few cases where we would continue alley pick-up, but the vast majority of the City <br /> will have front-side pick-up by the end of 2018. The yard waste pick-up program has been really <br /> popular. The participation rate has been higher than initially estimated, more than half of the City <br /> is utilizing the program and it continues to grow on a monthly basis. In addition to the weekly <br /> pick-up, we offer one (1) free pick-up per month. Container management is a large part of our <br /> work, too. To date, we have supplied approximately seven thousand six-hundred(7,600) yard <br /> waste containers. He then briefly overviewed the Solid Waste Capital Expenses depicted in the <br /> last two (2) slides of the presentation. <br /> Committee Chair White thanked the Departments for their presentations and reminded the <br /> Departments and members of the public there will be an opportunity for questions and comments <br /> at the next budget hearing. <br /> Jen Hockenhull, City Controller with offices on the 12th floor of the County-City Building, <br /> stated, The presentations made today will be available in the next twenty-four(24)hours on the <br /> 8 <br />