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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> Departments. Is that something you regret not being able to change and Dr. Varner answered, <br /> "Somebody should really look at the economic conditions of the TIF Districts because it is <br /> extraordinary. Either make the TIF Districts smaller or use the TIF District money, where there is <br /> excess, more liberally. If all the money is just going to stay in the TIF District, I think it is unfair <br /> to the City. It is not that there is too much money there, it is that the City has been too protective <br /> of it when there is excess.Mayor Steve,the former mayor, and I'm sure Mayor Pete,weren't going <br /> to use TIF money for Fire Stations or Combined Sewer Overflows. That wasn't part of their plan. <br /> I think we made some progress there." <br /> Mr. Bognar went on, There are couple things about West Washington that I want to talk about. It <br /> is now the oldest and the only original TIF District in the State of Indiana. It was the first TIF <br /> District, founded in 1979, and fought in the courts until 1985. It was established before July St, <br /> 1990 so I would like this Council to know it is a legacy TIF District that has a termination date of <br /> June 30th, 2025. This gives us a seven (7) year life span left on this district. It includes three (3) <br /> Council districts in the first (1St), second (2nd) and sixth (6th) as well as our At-Large folks. It was <br /> scheduled to be eliminated in the 2014 reorganization plan. <br /> Mr. Bognar continued, Beginning in 2015, under a previous Administration, tax revenues were to <br /> be used for street lighting, sidewalks and curbs, outside grants and private investment. This was <br /> all based on a 2014 Indiana University Public Policy Paper A Brief Look at TIF Districts in Indiana <br /> where it said eighty percent(80%) of all TIFs were used for infrastructure improvements. I would <br /> also like you to know, since the TIF reorganization in 2014, $1.254 million is floated in the West <br /> Washington Street TIF. There have been two (2) unlisted amounts of sixty-three (63) almost $4 <br /> million in August and September of 2017 and $77,500 between January and February of 2018. <br /> Mr. Bognar went on, Council did pass a resolution last year asking for biannual TIF District <br /> updates. Quoting from the resolution, "It is believed that biannual updates being made on all these <br /> plans,though similar as they are developed,would be beneficial. It is recommended that the timing <br /> of such updates be incorporated into and advanced with preparation and the approval process of <br /> the annual City budget." If not now, when? We do have a disagreement. I do believe the three (3) <br /> parcels have had a resolution that has passed Council. I believe that it fulfills the 2014 commitment <br /> to have Leeper Park,the City Cemetery and the Museums put in separately. If we are not going to <br /> honor our resolutions then why do we have them?This may seem as though we are at opposition. <br /> Mr. Mueller and I have spoken at times and I am obviously passionate about my district. <br /> Mr. Bognar continued, I will say one (1) other thing. Over fifty percent(50%) of the residents in <br /> the West Washington Street TIF are below the poverty line. Again, we've had this since 1985. <br /> Somebody has said that the 1200 block of West Washington and the three hundred (300) block of <br /> Chapin has changed. That was thirty (30) years ago. We've had no curbs and sidewalks. The <br /> Washington Colfax apartments never should have gotten to where they are. This is not being done <br /> to be in front of the media or anyone else,but I think there is a wall.I've said this at William Street. <br /> And there are people that say, and even in Community Investment's own paperwork, rampant <br /> blight. When the City uses the term rampant blight it is hurtful to us and our neighborhood. <br /> Mr. Bognar went on, What we want is concrete evidence of what we are going to do with this <br /> money. And to Council, the smallest and simplest TIF District is us and it is simple to look at <br /> where the money is going. I can't tell you, when you look at the other ones, how confusing it is. I <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 227W Jefferson Bvld I South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 i f574.235.9173 j TTD 574.235.5567 i <br /> 4 <br />